Ukranians want more UK Dentists

1 Apr 2016
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United Kingdom

Ukrainians who have moved to the UK have highlighted the lack of dentists as among the most astonishing aspects of British life, according to a report on the experiences of people granted humanitarian visas.

Access to medical care is free of charge on the NHS for Ukrainians, but researchers at Birmingham University heard notably outspoken accounts about the difficulty of securing dental treatment.

The provision of dentistry services under the NHS was even negatively compared with that in Ukraine, which was a popular destination for dental care tourists before the war thanks to low charges and good availability.

One woman in her 30s, Boyka, told the researchers: “We don’t have a dentist. It’s crazy. For us, it’s, like, impossible! In Ukraine the dentist industry is huge, you know, everywhere, and because it’s everywhere you just go and it’s like £10, £8, and you can clean it, whiten it like [a] Hollywood smile!

“When you have some more problems, with£2,000 you have all-new teeth, from scratch! Here, we came: ‘Can we?’ ‘No, no, no, we are full.’”

Some British families who have taken in Ukrainian refugees have noted that their guests organise dental appointments during their visits home.

A BBC survey last year found that 90% of dental practices in the UK were refusing new adult patients. Government data indicates that unmet need for NHS dentistry in England is at a record high: 12 million people, or one in four of the adult population, are going without.

As appointments become ever harder to find, a member of the public spoken to by Healthwatch England, a committee of the Care Quality Commission, was quoted in its state of health and social care report last year as saying: “As adults, we are able to use pliers to extract our own teeth, but I feel that this shouldn’t be something that our children should have to endure.”

The Nuffield Trust, which has claimed that the NHS-funded dental service in England is in near-terminal decline, has published an analysis showing that funding for dental services was £3.1bn in 2021-22, a fall of more than £525m in real terms since 2014-15.

The health secretary, Victoria Atkins, has said she recognises that there is “more to do” to ensure access to NHS dental practices.

The Birmingham University report, Humanitarian Visas in a Hostile Environment, was based on interviews with 43 Hongkongers and Ukrainians, and is said to provide the first comparative analysis based on the testimony of those entering the UK via the government’s new suite of legal routes.

The British government has issued 184,700 visas on the British national (overseas) route for Hongkongers since the Chinese government launched a crackdown on democracy campaigners.

A total of 188,200 Ukrainians have moved to the UK under visa schemes established since Russia launched its full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.

Hongkongers in the UK have to pay immigration health surcharges upfront based on the length of their visas, while the services are free of charge to Ukrainians.

The researchers wrote: “Nevertheless, people’s reported experiences were remarkably similar, and characterised by poor service standards, especially in terms of speed, and trouble with finding a dentist.”

A Department of Health and Social Care spokesperson said: “Access to dentistry is improving – last year 1.7 million more adults and some 800,000 more children saw an NHS dentist – and we have also announced plans to increase dental training places by 40%.

“We invest £3bn each year to deliver NHS dentistry and we are also taking preventative measures, such as expanding water fluoridation schemes to reduce the number of children experiencing tooth decay.”
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Better let her know that it is rishy and his lot's responsibilty. Good luck with that.
Access to medical care is free of charge on the NHS for Ukrainians,

Therein lies the problem. Too many taking out, but not paying into the International Health Service. Before anyone says, I do not however begrudge Ukranians NHS treatment - it's the rest of the spongers and chancers from everywhere else claiming to be 'refugees'. Ukranians are GENUINE refugees from a genuine war-torn country. Plus they will supposedly eventually go home, unlike the usual flotsam that washes up on these shores. Even if they don't return, the ones who stay will be easily assimilated into British life and culture. Once again, unlike the usual flotsam that washes up on these shores. Can't see the Ukes biting the hand that feeds them.

Charity begins at home!
Therein lies the problem. Too many taking out, but not paying into the International Health Service. Before anyone says, I do not however begrudge Ukranians NHS treatment - it's the rest of the spongers and chancers from everywhere else claiming to be 'refugees'. Ukranians are GENUINE refugees from a genuine war-torn country. Plus they will supposedly eventually go home, unlike the usual flotsam that washes up on these shores. Even if they don't return, the ones who stay will be easily assimilated into British life and culture. Once again, unlike the usual flotsam that washes up on these shores. Can't see the Ukes biting the hand that feeds them.

Charity begins at home!

We can do both, but we choose not to.

Unlikely Ukranians will go home after settling in the UK. Kids grow up fast.
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Too many foreigners working in the UK, helping the UK out of the hole it dug for itself

Foreign dentists, foreign doctors, foreign nurses, foreign care workers.

And UKs ageing population needs more care, more often, for longer. And has a shrinking number of people of working age, fewer still of whom are willing to do the work that's desperately needed.

So the whining anti-foreigners blame the people who are helping.

Who voted for cuts in public services?

The British voters.

Who whines about it?

The British voters.

Who's to blame?

The British voters.
Not enough dentists.

Which is a government issue.

But is all of ours problem.

Four weeks for an appointment, to fix my broken tooth.
And my dental practice is private.
We can do both, but we choose not to.

Unlikely Ukranians will go home after settling in the UK. Kids grow up fast.

Why would they want to stay in the sick man of Europe? Why would anyone , when there is a thriving EU on our doorstep.
Poor old Regans hatred of foreigners shines through at every opportunity.

It's not hos hatred that you need to worry about John. It's your mathes.
And your lack of ability to see past your nose.

The country is creaking, there is too many people for our dated infrastructure.
The country is creaking, there is too many people for our dated infrastructure.

Are you denying that the UK population is ageing?

Are you denying that the UK government has responsibility for the infrastructure? And foreigners do not?
Are you denying that the UK population is ageing?

Are you denying that the UK government has responsibility for the infrastructure? And foreigners do not?
Foreigners do not what.

Uk government's are to blame and we are an aging population, in an aging world.
Ukrainians who have moved to the UK have highlighted the lack of dentists
My NHS dentist is Eastern European.

All the other home grown ones in the area have gone private, some pushing Botox treatment and moving away from dentistry altogether.
dated infrastructure

Who could have done something about the fact that our infrastructure, built with a projected lifespan that was passed some decades ago, would be "dated"?

("dated" being the polite way of saying "fubarred").
Too many foreigners working in the UK, helping the UK out of the hole it dug for itself

Foreign dentists, foreign doctors, foreign nurses, foreign care workers.

And UKs ageing population needs more care, more often, for longer. And has a shrinking number of people of working age, fewer still of whom are willing to do the work that's desperately needed.

So the whining anti-foreigners blame the people who are helping.

Who voted for cuts in public services?

The British voters.

Who whines about it?

The British voters.

Who's to blame?

The British voters.

I don’t have problem with foreign dentists ect
I go to foreign dentists

One was Chinese he got struck off for improper behaviour

Yes exactly some one makes a complaint backed up
By some one else and the bloke gets struck off
What about me ???

I had to find another dentist
No compensation no apology from those who struck him off over alleged sexual mis conduct
( he got 6 months as well) he never interfered with me ( afaik) and in any event he was cheap as well

And I am an innocent victim of the caper
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