Unhappy with work done (ceiling repair) - what should I do

1 May 2011
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United Kingdom
My ceiling was water damaged. Got a quote from a decoratoe to replace the ceiling with artex to match the ajoinging room.

Was quoted £485 to replace (room is approx 14' x 10'). The decorator only replaced the damged area (1 plasterboard wide) and then artexed the entire ceiling.

A number of issues:

1. When he quoted he said that he'd replace the whole ceiling. He didn't do this as the other areas were fine.

2. The artext doesn't match the other room. His is very "busy" and sharp, whereas the other room is less "busy" and not sharp. After completing the job he said its nigh on impossible to match.

3. You can see the join (probable because only 1 length was replaced)

He's coming round for payment this weekend and I'm obviously not happy with the job. What can I do?

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Explain to him that you're not happy, and see what he can do for you.

Obviously it's difficult to comment without seeing the work, but have a think about;

1) If he had quoted to replace all of the ceiling he should have done that, or be offering a reduction in the price. Do you have a written spec stating that all of the plasterboard would be changed?

2) It's probably not reasonable to expect an exact match with another ceiling. Different person, different tools, different materials. With the best will in the world it'll look worse at the moment because its new, but neiher you or ny visitors will tke ny notice in 2 weeks time.

3) can you see the join because the finish is 'uneven' or the shading. If its a shading issue where the artex has been applied over differing materials then a few coats of paint may cover it.
1. The written quote was rather vague (I'm still looking for my copy). I had told him that the insurance wanted measurements and costs broken down into labout and materials. Not sure if the insurance contacted him directly - will speak to them in the morning.

2. True, but got neighbours round to take a look for 2nd opinion and they say its not a professional finish.

3. There is a groove at the join. I remember him saying something about the new board not being as thick as the existing boards, but the artex would cover that up. Also.....

4. He artexed up to the edge and then [badly] smoothed 2 or inches.

5. We have a couple of radiator pipes coming down the wall. Previously the board was shaped around the pipes, whereas now there's just a rectangle cut out - so there's a bit of a hole.
So it was vague but you accepted.
Your neighbours are "professional builders" are they?
Another coat may be needed to cover the "groove".
You have pipes down the wall, how quaint.

If your not happy, ask him. Explain your feelings.
How can we judge the finish over the internet?
Post a picture.
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Yes it was vague - I will be speaking with my insurers in the morning to see if they had any contact with him for more specific details of the quote. If he has told them that it is to replace the whole ceiling (like he told us), then I think there may be a but of an issue there.

No, the neighbours aren't builders, but they can tell a bad job when they see one (at least it gave me some comfort knowing that I'm not be picky).

Another coat may do the job, but I think it may need re-doing. I didnt mention that there is a bow / bump in the new board!

The point about the pipes is that the finish around them is very poor. Rather than just cut out a rectange, surely a professional would have cut a to go around each pipe (remember, this job cost almost £500! to replace 1 piece of board and artex the ceiling). If I had paid a mate £200 for the job, then I'd be happy that I got what I paid for.

Just measured the room - 9.5' x 7.5' of which he replaced 3' x 7.5'.....
So for the sake of putting up 1 new board and artexing the whole ceiling (IMO badly), is £500 a bit much?

I'll speak to him tomorrow, but certainly wont be paying until he has sorted out the problems. If he wants to get funny, then so be it - I'll see him in court.

I'll try and get some pictures posted up in the morning - camera battery needs charging.
Not the neatest cut around the pipes.

Clearly see the join (new board on right)

Not what I'd consider a professional finish
Lump/bump in lower right of picture
You know what, you are totally correct.
Artex always looked sh1te.
You know what, you are totally correct.
Artex always looked sh1te.
You really are a miserable p***k sometimes Alarm.

Anyhoo, the job looks shoite to me and I'd be expecting him to put it right.

Not the biggest fan of artex myself, but given that all the ceilings in the house are artexed, I wanted the repair to look the same (which obviously it doesn't!). Anyway, thanks for your constructive input Alarm NOT!

Freddy..... As I said earlier, if I had got someone round to do it on the cheap, then I guess that I've got what I paid for. BUT, this is a £500 job and in my opinion, the quality of the work doesn't match the cost.

Anyway, he's due round within the hour (expecting to be painting the ceiling). I'll explain my concerns to him and see what happens. One things for sure, I won't be paying him today.

I'll let you know what happens.
Well, he's been round, has filled out the join a bit more and said he will come back next week to finish off.

I got a neighbour (prof decorator, but not a ceiling / artex expert) to take a look. His reaction was one of horror - especially considering what we're being charged for the job. There are patches of heavy/busy artex and patches with little of no artex.

The fact that he did such a bad job in the first place leaves me with little confidence that he can do a good job - even if he redid the whole lot.

I'm not willing to pay him and I am looking for a quality artexter to come round and right up a report that we can use as evidence if and when he takes us to court.

What really bugs me is that he was recommended to us!
I wouldnt pay for a job like that, although its only a stipple finish he hasnt got that right, when stippling you are susposed to turn the stippler a bit each time before stippling to enable a more uniform pattern.
Different board thickness is no excuse, he should have got board to match and correctly tape joints, caulk out until level with existing.
Pipe holes should have been filled before hand.
£500 would have been right for complete reboard and skim.
Best option now for a decent finish, seal the whole ceiling and skim, if you still want artex, ( which is out of fashion ) go over the skimmed ceiling, at least you will have a decent finish.
Artex is sheite & whoever did your ceiling hasn’t got a clue. As for £500 :eek: I’d have repaired or re-boarded & skimmed the whole ceiling of a room that size for around half as much & still been happy! Easiest way out is to get a decent spread in to plaster it over & then get someone who actually can artex to redo it if that’s what you really want. But artex really is about as fashionable as tank tops & platform shoes theses days & coving isn’t far behind; flat square ceilings is what everyone is doing now.
I'm certainly not the biggest fan or Artex, but thought that it would be better to have it considering the rest of the house is Artexed.

Anyway, been in touch with Direct Line, asking them to send me any correspondance they have in relation to the claim.
Got a plasterer coming round tomorrow to assess and provide a written report.

Need to get as much ammo as possible, because there's no way I'm paying for the crap job and will probably end up with a small claims summons.
No one walks into people's houses and think, hey they've got artexed ceilings.

One ceiling that's Skimed flat, no one would notice and if they did, they would just think you haven't got round to updating the rest of the house.
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