Unions threatening strike action over planned cuts



Since Skitzee's thread has been locked, I thought I'd just share my thoughts about the threats of strike action by the unions.

Strikes cause misery for almost everyone up and down the country. Not just the workers who go on strike and lose wages, but innocent bystanders caught up in industrial action.
People trying to get to work when railway workers go on strike. Joe Public, when firemen etc go on strike.

Perhaps one way forward with the unions is to write into their constitutions that , the leaders of these unions don't get paid whilst members are out on strike.
Bob Crow, leader of the RMT union is vociferous in his support for strike action, but let's look at his salary last year.

"As of 2009, Bob Crow's basic salary at RMT was £94,747; a 12% increase from the previous year despite the ongoing recession. His entire pay package with bonuses and pensions was £133,183; on top of this he claimed £9,989 in expenses and £2,376 in travel costs, taking his total income to £145,548." Quoted from Wikipedia.

Not bad work if you can get it. And he get's paid by the union whilst members are out on strike. Woo Hoo.
What do his members get paid whilst they are out on the picket lines???
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The labour party is funded mainly through the unions, with the cutbacks supposedly going to be introduced by the coalition this is the only way that Labour can oppose the cuts.
Not bad work if you can get it. And he get's paid by the union whilst members are out on strike.
It's always the same, Scargill started the miners strikes with a big union and a small house, he then finished it with a small union and a big house. Makes you think it's easy to fool the working classes.
The unions either cannot see the big picture or they don't care. The country has gone to the dogs but as long as they get their tithe x
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I liked the way it was reported on tonight's BBC news that BBC staff will be going on strike on the day of the Tory party conference, and on the day that the results of the spending review is announced.

Nothing remotely politically motivated about that then....
Ahem, the Union membership will decide if any Industrial Action (inc strike) will be gonna happen, or not......

As a self-employed member if UNITE, not too sure which way I would vote though.

Unfortunately 'Apathy' rules.

Let them strike and then sack them. Plenty willing to fill their shoes on less money, pension etc.

The public sector is a gravy train for the lazy and incompetents.
Lets hope we don't get a 15 week long public services strike. "Winter of Discontent 2 - the sequel", anyone....? :(
[ Makes you think it's easy to fool the working classes.
No **** , Sherlock :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: Let them buy their State Owned houses ( council house) while , rightly or wrongly King Arthurs kingdom is ransacked. And the barrar boys are let free in the city.And the NHS is dismantled . While waving the Union Flag over some god forsaken scrap of empire . Never mind the Colour - politics is Shyte :LOL: always will be . 1 in 30 Brits have never had a job - Lets all start slagging them now - while many of the FTSE 100 bosses are back on the bonus bandwagon :rolleyes: Country is F***ed plain and simple . But as long as house prices rise ...we`ll all be OK.:cool:
Just wondering who will stand up for the 'working classes' if the unions don't?

Excess at the top is back to the levels from before the 'crash', and yet everyone else is getting shafted...

I assume then that the 'anti union' bunch are just going to bend over and take what comes their way then?....

Just wondering who will stand up for the 'working classes' if the unions don't? :LOL:

Any union that goes on strike does so after a secret ballot. So the ulimate decision is taken by it's members.

If their strike action inconveniances me, so what, lots of things do.
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