Vaccination cock up!

27 Feb 2017
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United Kingdom
So, Mrs Motties mum got the call up for her jab tonight. Mrs Motties sister took her because she is working from home and Mrs M is still at work (in a hospital). Anyway, her time was 5:30 and she arrived early. Some community centre in Basildon. The car park was rammed and the MIL had to get in a queue outside that went round the block. All over 80 year olds and in temperatures of just 2°. SIL stayed in her car as they weren’t allowed to accompany them plus she didn’t want to risk it anyway. After 10 mins she phoned her mum. Hadn’t moved and one person had been in the queue since 4.00. No social distancing. SIL phoned Mrs Mottie and she told her to pull her from the queue and take her home. Mrs Mottie will be getting on to her mums GP tomorrow to raise a complaint and demand that it’s done in the surgery. The MIL's friends had theirs done at the surgery. What a cock up!
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A right state of affairs, I know my MIL will be getting hers at home (hopefully)
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So, Mrs Motties mum got the call up for her jab tonight. Mrs Motties sister took her because she is working from home and Mrs M is still at work (in a hospital). Anyway, her time was 5:30 and she arrived early. Some community centre in Basildon. The car park was rammed and the MIL had to get in a queue outside that went round the block. All over 80 year olds and in temperatures of just 2°. SIL stayed in her car as they weren’t allowed to accompany them plus she didn’t want to risk it anyway. After 10 mins she phoned her mum. Hadn’t moved and one person had been in the queue since 4.00. No social distancing. SIL phoned Mrs Mottie and she told her to pull her from the queue and take her home. Mrs Mottie will be getting on to her mums GP tomorrow to raise a complaint and demand that it’s done in the surgery. The MIL's friends had theirs done at the surgery. What a cock up!

Makes you proud to be British.
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Imagine how many British people would have been vaccinated by mid day today if we had remained in the EU.
Still erroneously giving that one the 'thumbs up', old man? :LOL:
Wow. What a surprise. Ellie has jumped on a cock. Up.

Still erroneously giving that one the 'thumbs up', old man? :LOL:
Yes, we're still doing better than your precious EU but even if we weren’t, it’s be some sick **** that would take pleasure in it. And yes, I’m still proud to be British and always will be. Are you?
Same here with my old mum ( in her 80s ) ...waiting outside on a concreate slope under a tent with the rain lashing down leaking in , no chairs for 2 hours .... then sat in a room packed like sardines ....what a joke !
Wow. What a surprise. Ellie has jumped on a cock. Up.

Yes, we're still doing better than your precious EU but even if we weren’t, it’s be some sick **** that would take pleasure in it. And yes, I’m still proud to be British and always will be. Are you?
Aww bless...

mottie gets called out yet again, and then diverts from his criticism of a british 'cock up'...

Sounds like mottie was making an anti-british post to me...

Quelle surprise :LOL:
Same here with my old mum ( in her 80s ) ...waiting outside on a concreate slope under a tent with the rain lashing down leaking in , no chairs for 2 hours .... then sat in a room packed like sardines ....what a joke !

Gosh, that's a real worry....especially as it is all people in their 80s

2 hours standing is too much for somebody in their 80s
All over 80 year olds and in temperatures of just 2

I'm sorry to hear that, I hope your MIL is ok.

Although it's bad, I suppose these things will happen given the huge pressure to roll out the vaccine with so little time to prepare.
I'm sorry to hear that, I hope your MIL is ok.

Although it's bad, I suppose these things will happen given the huge pressure to roll out the vaccine with so little time to prepare.
She’s fine thanks. A bit disappointed, that’s all. She broke a bone in her foot in February and when the boot was taken off she went into first lockdown. Has hardly been out the house since then so going a bit stir crazy. She was always out and about with bowls club, shopping, popping over to Spain etc. Hardly ever in.
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