Vaxxers read this. Link provided

23 May 2004
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United Kingdom
"A government advisor had admitted the Covid-19 vaccine would not have been recommended for children in normal times until it had been fully investigated.

Professor Adam Finn, a member of the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI), said scientists did not have the 'luxury' of time to research the possible risks of jabbing children and would usually have collected more evidence before recommending their use on teens. "

Finn said parents were justified in waiting an extra three to six months to get their children jabbed until the risks were made clearer with further research

What have the mods got against balanced reporting? Nothing. Previous link didn't work, apologies.

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Funny how the same certain people hate the truth...

Why is that?

But hey, if you want parents to subject their kids to an unknown risk (n)
Funny how the same certain people hate the truth...

Why is that?

But hey, if you want parents to subject their kids to an unknown risk (n)

I don't tend to bother with the covid threads, too many nutters and too many self declared experts, But read your link, the key is 'in normal times'.
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Unknown risk?
I thought the risks were known, otherwise, what made you decide not to have the vaccine?

Life is full of risks, being exposed to a deadly virus is, unsurprisingly, quite risky.

But, why are you so bothered?.
But read your link, the key is 'in normal times'.
Ah, so you are agreeing that the vaccines are untested...

What would you not agree to be jabbed with, and what do you define as 'normal times'?
Funny how the same certain people hate the truth...

Why is that?

But hey, if you want parents to subject their kids to an unknown risk (n)

the truth?

here is the truth:
“he CDC released a report on 3 September showing a fivefold increase in child hospitalization rates because of the Delta variant. The differences in children’s hospitalizations were even more startling when broken down by age. In the same June-August time period, hospitalizations were 10 times higher for children under the age of four and for those between the ages of 12 to 17, the report said”

“ONS figures indicate that about 31,000 people in the 11-17 age group have long Covid, said Stephenson. “That's the kind of ballpark we're in”

Not vaccinating puts children in a known risk

Some government advisors also advise against cheap alcohol, gay marriage, immigration, brexit, abortion, minimum wage and a free nhs.

They're not always right, are they?
They are tested.
So you are also a professor and a member of the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation?

Do you know more than Adam Finn?

Why would he have stated that "parents were justified in waiting an extra three to six months to get their children jabbed until the risks were made clearer with further research"?

My original post has been mod edited along with the topic title, so maybe you didn't get the whole gist of it!
"A government advisor had admitted the Covid-19 vaccine would not have been recommended for children in normal times until it had been fully investigated.

Professor Adam Finn, a member of the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI), said scientists did not have the 'luxury' of time to research the possible risks of jabbing children and would usually have collected more evidence before recommending their use on teens. "

Finn said parents were justified in waiting an extra three to six months to get their children jabbed until the risks were made clearer with further research

What have the mods got against balanced reporting? Nothing. Previous link didn't work, apologies.

Dominic Cummins was a government advisor. Did you believe everything he told you?
Original report in the Times, but some people won't be able to get around the paywall ;)

In a further development...

"England’s deputy chief medical officer asked ministers to withhold all UK clinical trial data from the EU if European countries continued to deny entry to British vaccine trial volunteers"

"Because neither treatment has yet been approved by medical regulators, people who received vaccines during the trials are faced with a catch-22. They have had two doses, so they are not allowed other vaccines through the NHS. But since their trial vaccines were unlicensed, they cannot prove their vaccination status outside the UK, which means that many countries require them to quarantine."

"Withholding clinical trial data would be unprecedented"

"Ffyona Dawber, who runs a medical communications agency and was also a guest at the ceremony, approached Van-Tam at his table at the Grosvenor House hotel in central London.

“He was very amenable,” Dawber said. “As soon as I said, ‘I’m on the Novavax trial’, he put his head in his hands and went, ‘Oh God, that’s a disaster’.”

Thus the experiment goes on and on!
Funny how some on here will disbelieve the words of a government advisor but then believe a story that suits them because it was said by ……..a government advisor! Same with newspapers but then I suppose that’s the nature of a hypocrite of which you are one of the highest order.
Another example:
Anyone with a 'smart' phone is not that smart imo!

I was a bit concerned about the screen size of the G7 power, but when you compare the actual size it's not that much bigger than the G7 play

The 'try out' here was a tad different. The other half got one on the proviso that if it wasn't up to scratch I'd have to have it!
(we both ended up with a G7 power btw)

Does that make you a self-confessed Dumbo?
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