War with Iran & Venezuela?

27 Sep 2016
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United Kingdom
The US seems to be beating the war drums. This time Iran is the target as well as Venezuela. Obviously because of human rights. The massive oil reserves they both have is just mere coincidence :rolleyes:

These wars will be disastrous.

But should we join these possible US wars?

Should Britain send its forces to help America?
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With what we have left, we would be hard pressed to counter an attack from Costa Rica.

No we have a very powerful military, even with the CC's very own Rambo LeeC having left, we have a formidable military. BUT should we allow ourselves to be used by the Americans to drag us into these disastrous wars?
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So one of my posts has been deleted.
Nothing controversial in terms of content but it’s disappeared

Nice to know Whinger is censoring his threads by reporting to Mods!

Typical fascist leftie
But should we join these possible US wars?

Absolutely not. Iran has never threatened the UK, and only made half-hearted threats to its enemies (Isreal) in recent years. Trump wants a war, it will keep him in power and put money into his pals' war machine businesses. And war in South America? Crazy, UK military should not step foot there. The country might be in crisis but I fail to see how invading it will improve matters. American diplomats were kicked out for interfering, they should get the hint!
So one of my posts has been deleted.
Nothing controversial in terms of content but it’s disappeared

Nice to know Whinger is censoring his threads by reporting to Mods!

Typical fascist leftie

Nope nothing to do with me. I did not complain about any posts.
What did they gain from war?

They are multi millionaires from the wars, arms/defence contracts worth millions for friends and fam who run these corporations, as well as contracts for family/friends running energy companies oil/gas.
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