What did you get for Christmas?



What was your best present this year..............and what was the worst? ;) :D
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Better this time, a left & right slipper from M&S, last year I had 2 left slipper from the market, drove me round the bend :LOL:
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a new coat ,an a very nice watch off my peggy sue ...
the best was yesterday spending all day in bed ,just being close an loving .... *sniff..wipes tear from eye*


my (awful =scumbag )bruv in law at the xmas dinner at Parkhall Resturant.....
Giving me a card with £50 in crumpled fivers .... then later asking me over xmas pud for a sub of a £100 as his mortgage was short ,
as he said when paying in the mortgage money the bank cashier didnt count his deposit right ...an how he had a massive arguement in the bank with them ...but they refused to cough up ...lol
We all smiled sweetly as I gave him the money ...as my sis in law was red faced an ashamed an her lil girl looked shamed too
why she sticks with the LOSER..I dont know !

my mother in law giving me a year planner funded by AA ...cheers ..
(maybe her family look at me as the Loser ..who knows teehee ...lol)
I got an ipod shuffle, but not the one i wanted - marched my mum down to dixons yesterday to get money bk! :LOL: gonna get the "normal" one when i get time.

Got a "beers of the world" "gift" from "boots". 4 bottles of wierd beers. I'll let my dad drink those i think. I dont drink in the house. :rolleyes:

Best present - having all the family round our house for xmas dinner. Cant beat it!