What Labour Have Done For Us.

11 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
Now please don't get me wrong. I am NOT a political animal. I find both good and bad in all political parties and policies.

FLIPPINeck, with this in mind (AND WITH NO WISH TO HAVE THIS THREAD LOCKED) can you tell me why you feel this way (others who feel the same way can, of course, contribute):

"brown and his cabinet should be brought before the courts for treason for what they have done to this country..........."

What have they done to this country? Your responses can be both negative and positive.
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The only thing good for this country right now can be the EDP - English Democrat party.

They want to repeal the criminal rights act (oops HUMAN rights act) so that police can be tougher on criminals, put more police on the beat, and reduce governmental waste. These are my two major bugbears with labour. Labour = less police and more beaurocracy.
What have they done to this country?

Blimey, how long have you got? I probably wouldn't remember all of the damage that they have done to this country.

All you have to remember is the pledges that they made 13 years ago, and the ones since. The constructive positive ones, that would benefit the majority, eg. NHS dentistry for all, tough on crime, education education education, single sex wards. Well, these haven't happened.

Then there are policies that didn't appear in any manifesto, eg. uncontrolled immigration, selling gold reserves, fighting illegal wars. These have been implemented against common sense and the wishes of the majority.

BLiar got rich, as our country got poorer. As for the spectacle of a complete buffoon like Prescott being Deputy PM: Jeez, what did we do to deserve that??
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What have they done to this country?

1- Sold it out to the EU.
2 - Encouraged mass immigration.
3 - Encouraged social breakdown with liberal policies.
4 - Made it a target for terrorist atrocities due to their war mongering foreign policy.
5 - Shovelled huge amounts of cash into public institutions with no improvement in performance.
6 - Created a huge tax burden on the people.
7 - Left the country bankrupt due to all of the above!

The entire bunch of nu labour should swing imo.......
Well someone kept voting them back in. They set out to woo the dumb silent majorities with low tax, rising house prices and unregulated banking. In short they held a very big party - now we've been given the bill. That's the problem with democracy - you get elected by being irresponsible.
from what i gather they give people on benefits everything and those that work and pay tax get absolutely nothing in return but hatred.

are you too lazy to work? here have a rent free house, income support, free dentist, free prescriptions, free insulation, free nursery, the list goes on.

are you struggling to pay a mortgage while bringing up a family? tough you work for a living so we despise you!!

that's my feeling towards this government. i'm basing my opinion on experience of a neighbour and people who's houses i've worked in over the 7 years i've done this job
Well someone kept voting them back in. They set out to woo the dumb silent majorities with low tax, rising house prices and unregulated banking. In short they held a very big party - now we've been given the bill. That's the problem with democracy - you get elected by being irresponsible.

i fully agree
the question is would it have been any different if the tories where in power!!!
Made me fairly wealthy,much better of than ever before, things have gone down hill recently but not as bad as others, one or two of the good years I made more than the prime minister.
Made me fairly wealthy,much better of than ever before, things have gone down hill recently but not as bad as others, one or two of the good years I made more than the prime minister.

What do you work at if you don't mind me asking?
And how did Nu labour contribute to your wealth?
From my experience all the parties operate in very similar ways. You just choose to support the policies that suit you. The Tories were thought to be the better party to run the country many years ago. But after a while they got it all wrong. So, they had to go, and in popped the Labour party, who are now getting it wrong, so they'll have to go. Back to the Tories who'll get it wrong in time again, and so the cycle goes on.
There is no easy answer to what to do for the best, because each party gradually builds up a huge pile of ****e that hard working people have to shovel away before the next load comes along.
A change of party is not always the best answer. What is needed is the ability of telling the government what we want changed and because of the power generated by the people it has to be changed.
Politicians very often can't change things because there is not enough pushing going on. But if its there, they willl have to change or its goodbye.
At that goodbye. :LOL:
Made me fairly wealthy,much better of than ever before, things have gone down hill recently but not as bad as others, one or two of the good years I made more than the prime minister.

What do you work at if you don't mind me asking?
And how did Nu labour contribute to your wealth?

He inherits. A very nice house by the coast.
Made me fairly wealthy,much better of than ever before, things have gone down hill recently but not as bad as others, one or two of the good years I made more than the prime minister.

What do you work at if you don't mind me asking?
And how did Nu labour contribute to your wealth?

He inherits. A very nice house by the coast.

Hmmn well sifting through his posts tells me he was in the Coastguard for 15 years and now has a nice art gallery of coastal paintings which I assume he sells to tourists or bigwig clients in the labour party. ;)
Perhaps he will englighten us in true socialist style and spread the knowledge on how to gain wealth to us mere paupers.
He told us he inherited a million pound house a while back.
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