What, no Trade Deal?

23 May 2004
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United Kingdom
With the US, and not even in sight!

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"The much-vaunted post-Brexit trade deal between the UK and US could be years away, Liz Truss admitted as she landed in the US before her first official bilateral meeting with President Joe Biden.

The prime minister, en route to the United Nations General Assembly, told reporters on Tuesday: "There aren't currently any negotiations taking place with the US and I don't have an expectation that those are going to start in the short to medium term."

I thought this was going to be one of those 'easiest deals in history', and would be done very quickly?

No doubt brexiteers will come up with bizarre reasons about how this could be a 'brexit bonus' in 50 years time...

Deep down they must know they've been conned, but it's probably still too soon for them to embarrassingly admit they've made an almighty c*ck up!

The US of course is seeing some benefits.
As the growing privatisation of the NHS gathers pace, and as the buyouts of GP services by US insurance companies shows!
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Just more Doris BS to try to sell the idea we hold some cards and The US would be desperate for a deal with Britain. Unfortunately, the promised (remember what a Doris promise is worth) oven-ready deal turns out to be a turkey.
One wonders where all those bold brexiteers have gone...

How come they can't come up with their usual bullish rhetoric?

Because they got it wrong and they know it!

This'll get their blood boiling

"The UK is weighing up whether to attend a new European political "club of nations" next month."

"Mr Macron suggested the group could discuss security, energy and transport as well as the movement of people, particularly the young."

But most older brexiteers hate free movement, and hate the young...

Otherwise why would they have voted as they did? :rolleyes:
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It seems size makes us bottom of the list and more interest with one with the EU. Strange rumblings from senators too in our case. Why is it that the NHS can buy USA drugs for less than an American has to pay?

Trade deals - without actually knowing what the actual documentations states the term is meaningless. The one we have with the EU is still pretty simple - providing sufficient work is done here exporting is not a problem. :( Taking advantage of it seems to be rather difficult in or out of it. Out obviously increases costs - remember project fear? Nice term but the implications of out are what caused the term to be used. Fact folks as mentioned out is likely to make us poorer. The question is how much and what can be done about the basic problems that are nothing to do with being in or out.
The question is how much and what can be done about the basic problems that are nothing to do with being in or out.
But that is what brexiteers were told would improve and they lapped it up...

So what is going to be truss's first actions?

Removing banker's bonus caps and bringing in tax cuts/reversals that favour the rich...

Meanwhile in the majority of the EU much more generous welfare states/support for the poorer members of society exist...

I wonder at what point will brexiteers realise that they were told to take aim at the wrong target?
Truss is another May. Thought remaining was the best option. It seems this applied to Boris as well. The remainers expected help from him and were surprised when he switched.

Hows it gone - our end customs checks dropped even on food. Why -because they would cause cost increases. Put off for another 12months last time it was mentioned, maybe forgotten for a while now due to more recent problems.

Truss interview in the USA - take a UK reporter with her.

Photo opportunity with a grinning Macron. LOL French pundits reckon Macron probably wont care how he gets on with her - seems it's his last term. The BBC decided to show it was arranged as C4 did with Boris in Ukraine. Only Macron this time but they would need time to change the flags.

Bankers bonus - suppose it could mean a higher tax take but the system was changed to reduce risk involved in achieving high bonuses.
Had the EU got a trade deal with the US ??

Last I heard they spent over 7 years

Talking to the US

Eventually they all agreed to walk away

Fact is the US probably lost the will to live having to listen to the French whinging about pretty much every thing

The Germans whinging about hot dogs

The Dutch were probably bombed out of there eads

The Italians were having another general election so the US contingent did not know who to talk to

Than to top it all off some contingent pinched the fixtures and fittings out of the venue over night

Two of em were seen in the early hours wandering down the road with a rolled up carpet on there shoulders :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
Biden wasn't talking about Truss apparently, but an interesting statement all the same......

President Biden tweeted earlier that he was "sick and tired" of the theory that cutting taxes for business and the wealthy would see the benefits "trickle down" into the pockets of poorer workers.
Biden wasn't talking about Truss apparently, but an interesting statement all the same......

President Biden tweeted earlier that he was "sick and tired" of the theory that cutting taxes for business and the wealthy would see the benefits "trickle down" into the pockets of poorer workers.

He won’t remember

He probably won’t even know who Liz truss is

When he meets her he will probably think she is one of his carer / medical team :ROFLMAO: About to administer one of his stay awake injections
He won’t remember

He probably won’t even know who Liz truss is

When he meets her he will probably think she is one of his carer / medical team :ROFLMAO: About to administer one of his stay awake injections
Maybe, but he is far more aware than our Truss.
Maybe, but he is far more aware than our Truss.

Your having a laugh

They had to bring him to the funeral and drop him at the door

US officials def wanted him kept away from the coach party

He would have caused a diplomatic incident and embarrassed every one
Your having a laugh

They had to bring him to the funeral and drop him at the door

US officials def wanted him kept away from the coach party

He would have caused a diplomatic incident and embarrassed every one
Still think Trump is the president ?
Maybe a benefit of getting back control i.e. sovereignty is the right not to have any realistic chance of doing a deal with the USA. Liam Fox said it should be the easiest deal in history. How the word "should" stands out now

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