What were your plans for Christmas Day....

27 Feb 2017
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United Kingdom
...and what are they now?

Were: Mrs Mottie and I were staying over our sons on Christmas Eve to see our grandson open his presents in the morning. Then, staying on for dinner when the DIL's mum and dad will be joining us. Was going to defy the rule of 6 as we were going to be just one toddler over the limit for a few hours. Christmas night, going over to see the MIL.

Now: F uck knows!
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**** knows.

Slough or Barnard Castle possibly, depends how much the rules are relaxed.
Gutted. Relatives from the North East (inc MIL) were due down Christmas Eve. Winter Wonderland, Hyde Park in the evening. (It's vast, mind blowing that it's temporary. 4 or 5 rollercoasters, massive Bavarian beer houses, endless rides etc).
Christmas dinner at ours (about 12 of us) Board games or set up the casino table Christmas night until hammered.
Boxing Day at my parents then off to the North East until the 31st.
Xmas day normally my wife's family come over, we don't really like them coming over they are very hard work, they don't help out (even with distracting our son so we can do bits in the kitchen they find a chore and it's there grandson (wife's brother nephew) and are generally oblivious to all the hard work we put into the day, however because bits Xmas we feel we must have them over, it is after all the time for goodwill.

However we are finger's crossing we don't have them this year.

Boxing day will be down my mum and dad's, but both my brother's will be at their other halves family so we will be within the rule of 6
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No change to our plans. Father in law here for the day and possibly stay over, me doing the whole lot while they play crib.

No parents of my own, lost mum nearly 4 years ago and dad in Jan. My brothers will be doing their own thing - can't remember the last time us kids saw each other over xmas.

I utterly loathe Christmas, have done for some years.
Lol. I've really fancied renting a castle or something in Scotland for 4 or 5 days. Getting both families together (North & South). Log fires, snow, etc.

Good ol Chinese communist party. Thanks.
Lol. I've really fancied renting a castle or something in Scotland for 4 or 5 days. Getting both families together (North & South). Log fires, snow, etc.

Good ol Chinese communist party. Thanks.

That would certainly be the way I do Xmas if I won the lottery. (Could spend all my time with the family I do like lol)
I could end up feeling like that.One year I went to Lanzarote over Christmas on my own.Cycling during day,,bars at night..Heaven.
Yes, I can see that, sounds perfect imo. I took one year off from the rush down from my busy job to my parents in Cornwall and spent it alone in my flat. It was the best - I did nothing other than relax, read an entire book in a day, mainly in the bath and watch doctor who! No cooking, no nothing. Fab. Was even worth the massive sulk from my mum, who refused to talk to me for a couple of weeks, lol, because I didn't go.
SX, you could buy Scotland if you won the lottery!!!! Renting a 6/8 bedroom castle is a lot cheaper than you think.
Doctor who.... which one? Personally David Tennant was great.
Can't remember tbh, whoever it was about 15 years ago!
Middle stepson and girlfriend are coming hell or high water. That will make 5 of us so in the limit.
As he can work from home it is planned that if either us or London are going to go into lockdown then they will simply come before it goes into effect.
Boxing day my wife and I plus s/son & gf will go to step daughters to see her and granddaughter as her husband spends boxing day with his family, so still keeping to rule of 6.
We have no immediate relatives so just the 4 of us as usual. I do envy those of you with brothers/sisters/parents/extended families. But I'm grateful really - it was very nearly 3 of us.
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