Where would you choose?

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The EU are trying a land grab of financial services.
No, they are simply looking at the consequences of the UK exiting the financial passporting system...

A system the UK helped to devise!

If London loses it status then European banks have alrady said some key services will have to stop and others will become more expensive.
But who really loses out in the medium/long term?

Oh that's right - the UK!

breaking up the London markets means fragmentation, nowhere in Europe can offer what London can do on the same scale.
At present...

But then London didn't gain it's position overnight did it!

the likelyhood though is that New York may gain.
Well the US is lining up to asset strip the UK anyway, so the 'likelihood' is that NY will indeed gain!

Again the only loser is....The UK!
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It's weird loopy world.

Those that will give short thrift to bankers (lots of Brexiteers) for good reason I may add are now arguing why those bankers should remain in the UK. Under successive governments and primarily started under Thatcher and her bonfire of deregulation the City of London has grown to become one of the preeminent financial centres in the world due to low regulation, easy access to finance, stability, workers etc

The economy has become more and more dependent on financial services which now faces some serious issues in the form of Brexit.
Let's not be blind, the green eyes of the EU have been after London for years they seethe over it.

Even after Brexit London will be the financial capital of the world.
Let's not be blind, the green eyes of the EU have been after London for years


The EU is a union of 29 countries. The UK is and long has been a member. While the UK is in the EU, London is in the EU.

Obviously if the UK chooses to resign its membership, and declares that it will no longer follow EU regulations or consider itself bound by EU laws, some of the EU trade will be moved so that it continues to be handled within the EU.

We all knew that and it is no surprise and nothing to whinge about.

Even by moaning Quitlings.
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The EU is a union of 29 countries. The UK is and long has been a member. While the UK is in the EU, London is in the EU.

Obviously if the UK chooses to resign its membership, and declares that it will no longer follow EU regulations or consider itself bound by EU laws, some of the EU trade will be moved so that it continues to be handled within the EU.

We all knew that and it is no surprise and nothing to whinge about.

Even by moaning Quitlings.

Don't be bloody blind !!!!






They look with envy at the city from across the chanel ........
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The EU is a union of 29 countries. The UK is and long has been a member.

You're so obviously underestimating the strength of the city globally that it's laughable.
silly gasbag takes refuge in his anti-European sources.

We all know that resigning from the EU will make us poorer and less successful.

We just don't yet know how bad.

Others will profit by filling the gap we leave through our own actions.

Rice-Pudd says we should be through the worst in 50 years.

The Quitlings will be long gone.
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