Which business phone as an upgrade?

26 Jun 2004
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United Kingdom
I am entitled to an upgrade ( dont know to what value though ).

These I-phones do not seem to be very highly rated as a business phone and more as a leisure and entertainment phone.

My use of my internet phone is mostly just for that, email, internet browsing and posting on forums. I currently use an E72 but that is rather tedious as the displayed size is not east to use without a lot of scrolling about. But that may just be my lack of knowledge of its settings. It has stopped displaying U-tube and always seems to be short of memory!

T-Mob have suggested Nokia E5, C3 or C7.

What do other users think about business use phone models?

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Tony, get the I-phone, it's what I have and it's the best phone that I have had in 20 years. I get all my work emails straight to my phone, I can deal with all my internet customers within minutes. Make sure you have a car lead as it does use a lot of power.

As a proper business phone Blackberry is the way to go. The rest are better for entertainment etc.
Tony, the rest are just phones, the iPhone is just, well, more......

mine has the GasRating, RadCalcs, ExpVessel sizing Apps, plus PlumbCenter/Grahams Apps, spirit-level/plumb-bob ones too.

Dunno just how I used to manage without it.

Get the MobileMe account (free trial !) and get proper emails to and from your phone, for me I can take a pic, eMail it to whoever for identification purposes (anyone of the three Ideal Classic fans for instance!) and be sure they have it on the shelf before setting off from site to my suppliers..., or look up quotes that were produced on my MacBook that are hanging in 'the Cloud' excel/word, no problemo.

Oh and you can even make&take phonecalls too, as a bonus.

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Also have iphone, it's ok but the signal is not as good as my old Nokia. I have gotten two cases (one for work . . .) and also screen protector front and back (the ones with backing paper to take off before you apply it and ant-glare, not the super cheap ones). As well as what Dreadnoughtheating said there is compatibility with google calendar (and no doubt any other calendar program). Being able to look up quotes etc. in dropbox (free 1gb storage) can be really very handy.
After recently getting an iphone I wouldn't bother with anything else, this seems to be the opinion of all of my friends who have an iphone too.
I think that I can do most of those things on my E72 ( which is a Nokia Blackberry with a slightly larger keyboard perhaps.

My useage of mobiles is very rough and I am sure I would scratch the screen very son.

My E72 has a replaceable screen protector film!

Does the I-phone have anything like that or are you scratching the actual screen ( which is about £130 to repair it seems! ).

The iphone's screen is specially scratch resistant. I'm very rough on my phones too (same pocket as keys, coins, tools etc) and I've yet to get a single scratch on it after a year. One of the reasons I chose it as I scratched all my other phones before it.
the iphone is way too big to fit in your pocket whilst you're working i've got an x10 mini does everything an iphone can do but a lot smaller and a damn sight cheaper
T-M did not mention that one!

I have no plans to change my Nok 2760 as my carry round phone as its robust and does everything I need for a phone but a larger than 1000 number memory would help as I am now saving to the 200 number sim.

I will look at the N8 and see what thats like.

Thanks but any more views? I am aware that there are a lot of different uses people put phones to.

I got a leather case for my HTC, it flips open, and secures shut with a magnetic flap. This is because I don't like scratching or chipping it when it gets dropped.

It has cutouts for the camera lens and flash and you can operate the side buttons.
my iphone is great fun but a swine for work as it never has a bleedin signal

As I use the 2760 as the telephone device my upgrade will be used mostly for internet, email, utube things.

It seems this poor sensivity receiver is a common complaint from Iphone users.

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