which external harddrive?

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Don't worry about it, this is one persons example of one bad drive. If you look up computer geek forums you will see customers of every manufacturer telling you to steer clear because they've lost data and are ****ed.

I had western digital fail on me once, and I lost a Hitachi that was in a laptop, so if you believe all this voodoo you can cross those brands off your shopping list too.
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Don't worry about it, this is one persons example of one bad drive. If you look up computer geek forums you will see customers of every manufacturer telling you to steer clear because they've lost data and are p****d.

I had western digital fail on me once, and I lost a Hitachi that was in a laptop, so if you believe all this voodoo you can cross those brands off your shopping list too.

Must agree, when you consider the millions of drives made, you only hear grievances from the few that fail.