Women coppers?



I'm not sexist or racist or arachnist, but i've just seen a street crime episode where a rather large alleged crim escaped the clutches of a pc and a woman pc..... he muscled his way out of their grasp.... we then see two women pc's looking for him and being scared by the dark, and corners and things that move, and then when finding him... he ignores their demands to "stand still" not surprisingly.... so one of the wpc's resorts to throwing her torch at him !!! quality policing.

I agree there's a place for wpc's.... but not many... women generally don't have and can't deal with massive testorerone ! simple really !
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wor lass should be a copper then... she can bring me to my knees with tears in my eyes... and that's just her singing!
Shudda used a tazer. BTW, why didn't you do your civic duty and restrain the guy? You are male aren't you? Yet you expect women to do the dirty work.

Check you glasses / read the post properly, he he'd just watched a street crime "EPISODE", ie on the Tele.

Would have been intersting to see him jump thru the screen and try and stop the guy.

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There are some verrry luvvverly looking female coppers, phwooaarrr :LOL:

I have a pic of a very nice one sat in her panda car, having just pulled up on zig zags at a zebra crossing, chatting on her phone while the engine is running.... lol

I have given up watching "street crime" etc on the TV, seeing all the violence etc (and thats only what the coppers do) makes me so angry that I cant get to sleep for a long time.
There are some verrry luvvverly looking female coppers, phwooaarrr :LOL:

I have a pic of a very nice one sat in her panda car, having just pulled up on zig zags at a zebra crossing
Thats not that Jo Guest one is it :D
And most are more than capable of taking care of themselves and nabbing the bad guys.

There are feeble ones of course but there are also feeble guys in the force nowadays ... One of the undesirable effects which results when equality and diversity overlap with positive discrimination. ;)


Check you glasses / read the post properly, he he'd just watched a street crime "EPISODE", ie on the Tele.

Would have been intersting to see him jump thru the screen and try and stop the guy.


Episode doesn't mean 'On TV'. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Don't think he would have used "EPISODE" if he was actually seeing it then street though do you.

Grammatically correct it maybe, but if you had seen this going on in the street, then recounted the story to a mate I'm pretty sure the majority of people would NOT use "Epsisode"

You said "majority" that suggests not all, therefore it is possible ;)
you cant win id give up now whilst you can joes just too good for us :LOL:
I don't watch much TV but I'm guessing that there is a proggie called 'Street Crime'? If this is what he was referring to then it should have been capitalised - as I have done. I would then have realised what he meant.
Unfortunatly joe is right, he could have watched an episode, episode being the OPs choice of words, and street crime being the crime wot happens on da streets.

However, It does seem very likely that the OP really meant he had watched an episode of STREET CRIME on the TV, given that its is on Sky1 almost every night at about 11PM.

So please, lets just end it there & get back to female coppers.

:LOL: ;) :LOL: ;)
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