Your worst physical injury?

16 Sep 2006
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United Kingdom
Touch wood I've been pretty lucky when it comes to sustaining any physical injury. Apart from breaking my arm when I was a youngster (probably falling off my bike) and giving myself an electric shock when doing some diy in my 20's, that's about it.

If you're comfortable sharing, what's the worst physical injury you sustained and how did it happen?
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Touch wood I've been pretty lucky when it comes to sustaining any physical injury. Apart from breaking my arm when I was a youngster (probably falling off my bike) and giving myself an electric shock when doing some diy in my 20's, that's about it.

If you're comfortable sharing, what's the worst physical injury you sustained and how did it happen?
Cut my left hand(palm) when 7...severed some leaders and nerves.I am left handed.Learned to write, right handed but still left handed for etc.
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Cut my left hand(palm) when 7...severed some leaders and nerves.I am left handed.Learned to right handed but still left handed for etc.
OT but found this interesting. I'm left-handed and do most things in a left-handed way. However although I've never golfed, my instinct would be to play with a right-handed swing (this is what I do with crazy golf etc) it's weird cause trying to go with a left-handed swing feels unnatural. Snooker pool I play left-handed. Good that you overcame things by learning to write with your other hand.
Motor cycle accident

compound fracture of my right leg

and a fractured wrist
Motor cycle accident

compound fracture of my right leg

and a fractured wrist
Do you still ride now? I'm jealous if you do. I started lessons a few years back (mid life crisis? Possibly!) Got my CBT then started DA course. Was going round a mini roundabout very slowly one lesson, had been raining, greasy surface ... yep, came off. Bike sort of landed on my right leg. Felt ok but knew I'd be sore next day. Sure enough I was, and for a few days after. Decided to hang my riding boots up and stick to my cage or whatever it is you lot call cars :)
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No not now although I have a motor cycle

stopped about 5 years ago no particular reason other that I sold my Harley to fund a car project

the accident occurred about 16 years ago

also used to be a member of the classic motor cycle racing club
Did 2 novice races totally different
Experience to road riding
As an apprentice motor mechanic, I was trying to remove a half-shaft from a car using a slide hammer. It was a hot day and the damn thing wasn’t moving. I took a break, mustered my strength, got a good grip on the slide (forgetting that my finger was between the slide and the end stop), gave it one almighty slide......and the tip of my finger exploded! Ooh, it didn’t half sting! Had to be taken to hospital to have it stitched up but the worse bit was having it cleaned of grease and oil first. I didn’t know it until then but in your finger tip, you have what looks like a load of intestines!

For those that don’t know, this is a slide hammer.

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As an apprentice motor mechanic, I was trying to remove a half-shaft from a car using a slide hammer. It was a hot day and the damn thing wasn’t moving. I took a break, mustered my strength, got a good grip on the slide (forgetting that my finger was between the slide and the end stop), gave it one almighty slide......and the tip of my finger exploded! Ooh, it didn’t half sting! Had to be taken to hospital to have it stitched up but the worse bit was having it cleaned of grease and oil first. I didn’t know it until then but in your finger tip, yoh have what looks like a load of intestines!

For those that don’t know, this is a slide hammer.

View attachment 220766

and thats why we have:

Nothing very serious or life threatening. I fractured arm when some steps collapsed under me, same arm fractured again, when it was dragged into a moving conveyor belt, a fractured finger, when I slipped in the bath, a crushed thumb, when a train carriage door was slammed on it by a porter. My earliest injury was when I growing up, I suddenly found I would crack my skull on a cellar RSJ, set up as a bomb shelter, as I grew taller. Then my pushbike's wheel jammed in a street grate and I went over the top - I was unconscious for 24 hours.
We had a bigger one, (isn't there always someone who says theirs is bigger? :whistle: ), and someone in the workshop modified it by putting a steel plate in front of the stop collar. His reason was because he was scared it would either move the stop or one day pass over it. So he set it up to pull a large bearing off a shaft. Heated the bearing inner race with oxy-acetylene, gripped the slide hammer with his fingers under the plate so it was supported and...................yes, smashed the slider right into four of his fingers which just simply exploded. They were so badly mashed they had to amputate them down to the second, (middle), knuckle. YUK!
I think I've been very lucky thoughout life regarding injuries when I look back on the escapades we got involved in. Climbing, cycling, running along back yard walls, some with glass imbedded in them, jumping from height onto a concrete floor/pavement etc. The worst injuries were fracturing my scaphoid bone in each wrist, 25 years apart, torn ligaments in my knee after forcing my leg in to action after it had locked with cramp and 2 stitches in my upper lip when I went over the handlebars of a mates bike when I was 10 Lots of cuts and bruises over the years but nothing major.
Split my head (skin) open from back to front when I was 4! Cycled up a steep drive and decided it would be fun to go down backwards with feet off the pedals. Was stopped at the bottom by a rusty gate catch. Blood everywhere apparently.
Fractured vertebrae, slipped disc lumbar 4/5, compressed disc in 2 places but otherwise broken leg playing rugby and cracked thumb bone.
Years ago I was in a rush and dashed down to one of our local tyre and exhaust places to pick up a set of brake discs and pads. "They’re out the back, you know where they are" they told me so I dashed out the back, picked them up and as I was running out of the workshop (I was parked on double yellow lines) I ducked to run under a ramp but stood up before I got out from under it and poleaxed myself on the ramp. Knocked me right off my feet and practically scalped myself. I felt my neck compress and couldn’t move! They had to phone an ambulance and strap me to a spinal stretcher to get me to hospital. Was there all day and night before, after being left on a stretcher in a corridor, I eventually walked out about 2.00 in the morning whist having an argument with Mrs Mottie who came to pick me up but wanted me to stay there. Went to another hospital the next day and they stitched me up. I was off work for a week. Oh, and I got a parking ticket too!
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