Zion and the Art of Armageddon

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Err that's a rather biased approach not a real purposed Government body is it. Best not to use a single issue group to back up your e approach is it.
I have stolen this post from another Jew hating tirade.

The International Criminal Court prosecutor's application for arrest warrants for Israeli leaders is "outrageous," President Biden said on Monday.

"And let me be clear: whatever this prosecutor might imply, there is no equivalence — none — between Israel and Hamas," Biden said in a statement.
The ICC should also take Israeli actions in the West Bank into account. And the murder of journalists. Also, the murder of UN aid workers.
The west bank is an obvious one due to punishment raids and apartheid. All areas have come under occupied territory rules - clearly broken in areas other than Gaza. Some argue that the embargo is the same as being occupied - pass.

Anyway he has his evidence. It includes all sorts including verified video. Some body or the other now scans the web to collect those for evidence use.

AlJ dug out someone who has actually done an ICC prosecution. He feels that it should have stepped in earlier and the court may realise that. He thinks good - it's what the laws are for. He also hinted that the ICJ may be doing something shortly. He mentioned about a week. This bloke was directly involved in the results of the Yugoslavia mess.

Our own expert if the warrants do materialise. A number of European countries will be telling them not to come there. :) Other than Belgium where they definitely would be arrested so please do come. According to the AlJ man they are very keen on this area. The :) is my thought.

The threat comes from what happens if a country that should doesn't perform the arrest. The court can issue arrest warrants on their leaders. US and others who haven't signed up to their jurisdiction - pass.
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I have stolen this post from another Jew hating tirade.

The International Criminal Court prosecutor's application for arrest warrants for Israeli leaders is "outrageous," President Biden said on Monday.

"And let me be clear: whatever this prosecutor might imply, there is no equivalence — none — between Israel and Hamas," Biden said in a statement.

Truly "outrageous".....

.... that a senile old duffer is allowed a platform from which to ramble....

Still, marginally better than the orange tw@t. :rolleyes:
Once the true cause of anti semitism is unravelled then a solution may be found.
Or maybe if we come into the present time...

If Israel wasn't allowed to call every criticism of it's actions 'anti semitic', then just maybe a two state solution could be found ;)
The International Criminal Court prosecutor's application for arrest warrants for Israeli leaders is "outrageous," President Biden said on Monday.

"And let me be clear: whatever this prosecutor might imply, there is no equivalence — none — between Israel and Hamas," Biden said in a statement.

“because seeing they see not, and hearing they hear not.”
Matthew 13:13


B’Tselem – The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories strives for a future in which human rights, liberty and equality are guaranteed to all people, Palestinian and Jewish alike, living between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. Such a future will only be possible when the Israeli occupation and apartheid regime end. That is the future we are working towards. B’Tselem (in Hebrew literally: in the image of), the name chosen for the organization by the late Member of Knesset Yossi Sarid, is an allusion to Genesis 1:27: “And God created humankind in His image. In the image of God did He create them.” The name expresses the universal and Jewish moral edict to respect and uphold the human rights of all people.

F.Boy and his Dedicated Followers of Fascism prefer to unsee the tyranny of Netanyahu's vengeance.
"And let me be clear: whatever this prosecutor might imply, there is no equivalence — none — between Israel and Hamas," Biden said in a statement.
The prosecutor does not state that there is an equivalence. Each has it's own group of infringements.

US view, The New York Times a well know gov mouthpiece. Their reporters had a message from those on high and were not happy about it. Instructions don't use either of the words genocide or occupied. Our media have often added the word occupied when the areas are. Gaza is not occupied and the US have said no to occupying any of it but no mention of rumours about a buffer zone that is actually in Gaza's territory rather than Israel's own. A rumour though. To my mind this indicates how the US would like to see things finish up. Reason pretty obvious - factors about E Jerusalem and settling in the West Bank. They don't see a solution, things will remain as they are controlled by a toy town PA much as some areas are now. Oddly the UK UN lady came up with an idea - a territory swap. Seems we and others see things the same way.

Filly kindly pointed out that there are civilised Palestinian towns come cities. Flattening some in Gaza isn't unusual but there are others in the West Bank. Filly takes no notice of the degree of attacks on refugee camps and IDF activity in them. They are exceedingly naughty, Punishment is not allowed under international law however Israel is rather keen on it. They love their bulldozers. The refugee camps are the seeds of outfits like HAMAS but more civilised areas have sympathy for them. In Gaza the refugee camps get a lot of attacks. Some civilisation there has been flattened. Punishment or need? As they have simply blown up some buildings I would say punishment. Hard to see it any other way. Load it up with explosives and boom, let an IDF soldier video and post it on social media.

Israel doesn't like the UN. Reason simple. This must be a world record
What do UN officials, ICC and ICJ represent. International law - how inconvienient but any comments they make will be on that basis. The laws get used when it suites, Chances of removing security council veto power - zero.
The prosecutor does not state that there is an equivalence. Each has it's own group of infringements.

US view, The New York Times a well know gov mouthpiece. Their reporters had a message from those on high and were not happy about it. Instructions don't use either of the words genocide or occupied. Our media have often added the word occupied when the areas are. Gaza is not occupied and the US have said no to occupying any of it but no mention of rumours about a buffer zone that is actually in Gaza's territory rather than Israel's own. A rumour though. To my mind this indicates how the US would like to see things finish up. Reason pretty obvious - factors about E Jerusalem and settling in the West Bank. They don't see a solution, things will remain as they are controlled by a toy town PA much as some areas are now. Oddly the UK UN lady came up with an idea - a territory swap. Seems we and others see things the same way.

How does a 'territory swap' work and where would they draw the line?

I think the Israeli defence minister has been getting tips from Filly B. on how to defend the indefensible...

The state of Israel is not a party to the [ICC] and does not recognise its authority. Prosecutor Karim Khan’s attempt to deny the state of Israel the right to defend itself and release its abductees must be rejected outright.

Nobody said Israel doesn't have the right to defend itself but they have to recognise they don't have the right to oppress Palestinians either. Quid Pro Quo, as the Donald would say.
How does the ICC work? The advisory ruling mentioned several factors and keeping and not destroying evidence. To me this means at some point they will want an investigation to see if the allegations are true.

Now SA seems to be after an emergency ruling. Can't see how a cease fire, journalists and investigations could be anything else. Or maybe it can be. Or maybe they will state other types of conditions.

LOL I may be wrong about US intent. All that anyone can do is listen to the noises and try and see what is behind the smoke screen.
How does a 'territory swap' work and where would they draw the line?
Not a 'territory swap'...

Simply a two state solution based on pre 1967 border lines...

Otherwise the violence will continue indefinitely!
Gaza is not occupied
That isn't a universally accepted view. If you look through the criteria for occupation it does qualify. Israel insists it isn't but they also control the flow of water, food, people and fuel.
That isn't a universally accepted view. If you look through the criteria for occupation it does qualify. Israel insists it isn't but they also control the flow of water, food, people and fuel.
Gaza has effectively been an open concentration camp for many years...

And the West Bank is recognised as an occupied territory...

Only apologists of the Israeli state would think otherwise!
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