Train fare dodger's changed his tune !

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But in the eyes of the law he was still attacked.

Scotrail owed him a duty of care.

By that rationell, Network South East (at the time) should have looked after me when I had my skull cracked and a 4 inch knife wound becuase I refused to give a drunk Manc my wallet? Get real Joe. :rolleyes:

Did the conductor encourage the drunk to do it?

There was no big guy to stop the drunk on that occasion.

Then you have no claim. Sorry about that.
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But in the eyes of the law he was still attacked.

Scotrail owed him a duty of care.

By that rationell, Network South East (at the time) should have looked after me when I had my skull cracked and a 4 inch knife wound becuase I refused to give a drunk Manc my wallet? Get real Joe. :rolleyes:

Did the conductor encourage the drunk to do it?

There was no big guy to stop the drunk on that occasion.

Then you have no claim. Sorry about that.

That sounds about right.
Some guy gets nearly killed by a drunken lout with a knife and doesn't recieve a penny whilst a fare dodging foul mouthed lout evicted from a train gets compo for a self inflicted graze on the cheek.
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Call it what you like but he ended up with a graze after hitting the platform. There was no right in law to do that. He could go to prison over it.

Really watch the footage if he landed on his left side on the platform how did his right hand side get damaged.

Joe will you be my friend if I send you a request ?
That's the law, baby. :p

So how does this "so called law" deal with a beefcake like Alarm who reckons he's entitled to a free rail trip and "hospitilise" anyone who says otherwise.

I suppose at the end of the day the law cannot prevent people from having a pig ignorant attitude.
You utter knobler.
Where have I said I have not paid or will avoid a fare?

I have said if someone touches me incorrectly they will suffer.

Get a life, in fact get a grip on reality and only use facts in a conversation.
I have said if someone touches me incorrectly they will suffer

And of course you won't? Get real ffs.
You don't leave someone "hospitilised" on a train platform without repercussions.

What kind of "incorrect touching" warrants half killing someone?
Alarm trained coppers in his day. This would look good on his CV.
A heavyweigh bruiser who assaults anyone leaving them "hospitilised" who touches him incorrectly.
He obviously condones that kind of retribution.
Alarm trained coppers in his day. This would look good on his CV.
A heavyweigh bruiser who assaults anyone leaving them "hospitilised" who touches him incorrectly.

You seem to know a lot about me.
Or did I mention I used to train the armed police units?

But to your little bit of word games, keep trying.
The words used were "assaulted" you mix and make them up as you wish.

And, be very glad one day if your partner is assaulted in front of me by someone like "Big man" because he will not get away with it. And its really funny when they "resist arrest".

And I really must compliment you on the "beefcake" mention. I do try. ;)
How big are you?
My two work mates are Lithunian and about 6' 6" each and 18 stone.
They lay concrete for us and build shuttering.
I reckon one of them could shift your sorry ass. He looks like a na'vi warrior from the film avatar and scares the s**t out of most people.
In fact I get a few complaints from customers about him now and again.
You'd be through the carriage door so fast you would never know where you were "touched".
Thats assuming of course he didn't shove you head first through the nearest window.
I think the big bloke on the train should be given some sort of community action award.
I would go as far as to say, rewarded financially for this decent deed. :D
Would you same the same if the student were assaulted in a school?
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