Ignoring posters

7 Jan 2007
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United Kingdom
I've no doubt I'm on people's ignore list that's fine by me.
I have a couple on here that I ignore that's why I don't answer most of John dumbs posts ........I don't see them ....how in my wildest dreams he could have worked out and accused me of hating Germans or been against people speaking German today goodness knows ......I was referring to a period in history where seventy years ago had the nazi cause been victorious we'd probably be speaking German ......then he proceeds to explain he speaks German and I'm anti German carrying on hating the Germans .......bloomin heck what a plonker!!
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Is this about ignoring posters or a just an anti-John thread?

I don't ignore anyone, on principle. I would miss seeing them, either because they're very funny (John and BAS are especially good value for trolling) or may actually teach me something. To quote Dudley Malone "I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me."
...then he proceeds to explain he speaks German and I'm anti German carrying on hating the Germans .......bloomin heck what a plonker!!
Sad to see gasbag is still falsifying what was actually said.
Sad to see gasbag is still falsifying what was actually said.
He doesn't know what you said. He can't see what you said. He admits it:

I have a couple on here that I ignore that's why I don't answer most of John posts ........I don't see them ...
How he can claim what you said is incorrect, when he can't see your comments, is a mystery.
Perhaps he psycho. :LOL:
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Sad to see gasbag is still falsifying what was actually said.
He doesn't know what you said. He can't see what you said. He admits it:

I have a couple on here that I ignore that's why I don't answer most of John posts ........I don't see them ...
How he can claim what you said is incorrect, when he can't see your comments, is a mystery.
Perhaps he psycho. :LOL:
Is it a mystery, or just that some posts will be available to read if someone, who isn't blocked, quoted them in their post? Or is that too simple for you?
or is it perhaps a guess that happens to be untrue?
Could also be that posts on your blocked list only work when signed in don't they? So if not signed in, can read the whole gory lot!
Does seem a bit of a waste of time to be fair, blocking folk.
Is it a mystery, or just that some posts will be available to read if someone, who isn't blocked, quoted them in their post? Or is that too simple for you?
It doesn't work like that. if you're ignoring someone, their messages are hidden even when quoted by another. Is that too difficult for you?

Could also be that posts on your blocked list only work when signed in don't they? So if not signed in, can read the whole gory lot!
Does seem a bit of a waste of time to be fair, blocking folk.
Quite. It makes you wonder why some find it an insult and like to crow about ignoring others.

Then they claim that the ignored poster has not answered their question. :rolleyes:
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