What is racism.

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1 Aug 2008
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United Kingdom
Following on from a number of recent threads where religion and racism have been discussed at length.

I wonder what people outside of the “Racism” industry think racism is.

If I wish to give work to an English man (read British) over an Immigrant, that is not racism, but discrimination. I can discriminate in favour of the immigrant but not the English man. That to me is unacceptable; the English man should come first in this country is that racism? not to me.

I can say that I hate the French or the Germans without fear of being accused of racism. I can’t say the same about Indians or Pakistani’s because the same rules are not applied. Why? I’m at a loss to understand the difference.

Stating that you don’t like a particular race of people is deemed to be racist but is it? What if your experience of that race is what caused you to have that opinion. Is that racism? not to me. If you're saying that because of a personal experience then you are perfectly entitled to voice that opinion regardless.

The culture of this country is being changed to suit the “needs” of immigrants at great expense to the indigenous population in both financial and cultural terms. If we insist that newcomers should adapt to our way of life. That is deemed to be racist, but is it? To me it makes sense that they should adapt to our way of life and not forcing us to accept theirs. It would cost less and lead to better social cohesion.

I can say that the Catholic Church is in favour child molestation and almost no one will object. I can’t say the same about Islam as that is classed as religious hatred and that opens the doors to hell. In my opinion, both those religions abuse their followers.
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Good post... can't imagine where you got the idea from? :eek:

racism is thinking you're superior to another race or hatred or intolerance of another race. But does that definition cover religion as well as race? or is that simply religious intolerence?
And i'm an atheist, so am i disrespecting religious people with that view?
in nigeria if you go for a job a nigerian and a foreigner with the same qualifications , the nigerian will get the job no matter what and in the chat later you say why did he get the job they will look at you like your stupid and say cos he's nigerian .. and i'm sure othr countries do this to except us of course and we'd do the opposite
rac·ism   /ˈreɪsɪzəm/ Show Spelled[rey-siz-uhm]
1.a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.
2.a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.
3.hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.

the first definition is just silly, there is only ONE human race as far as I'm aware, we are all members of it.
the colour of skin, sex, height, weight, etc has no bearing on being part of it..
now, if they were to say that about the different cultures or nationalites then that would be a much better definition..
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I can say that I hate the French or the Germans without fear of being accused of racism.

I would have thought a French or German person would be the same race as a quintessential British person. Different nationality, same race.
The definition of race is the whole of humankind, or an individual subspecies. So you could apply it to either.
but there are no sub-species..
it's not like with chimps, apes, gorrillas etc..
there is no descernable difference between me and the asian guy that lives 2 miles away.
I would have thought a French or German person would be the same race as a quintessential British person. Different nationality, same race.

So Europeans are the same race. Therefore it would not be racism to state you have a dislike of a certain part of that group. The Poles for instance?.
but there are no sub-species..
it's not like with chimps, apes, gorrillas etc..
there is no descernable difference between me and the asian guy that lives 2 miles away.

Well (and i'm not getting into a row on this one..) the examples on Dictionary.com are: Caucasian, Mongoloid, and Negro who apparently have discernable differences, based on a combination of various physical characteristics, as skin color, facial form, or eye shape, and now frequently based on such genetic markers as blood groups
My brother has dark hair, I have light hair.
My uncle has olive skin, I'm pasty white.
My cousin has sort of curly hair, I don't.

The Asian down the road speaks with the same black country accent as I do since he was born here..
Well you're bound to get differences because 'races' have been mixing for thousands of years.. and these different genes conitnue through a lineage

But broadly speaking the difference mentioned do exist.
So I'm guessing there are discernible differences but you're trying to muddy the waters with the above.

As for accent, that's why I said maybe.

Lets try and find out what racism is.
Ok, i just read a thread by a bunch of guys who have never heard of Haplogroups. There is indeed a method of classifying humans, we are NOT 'all the same'. The looney left PC brigade will HATE this..........

Haplogroups are genetic markers. you can identify the genetic origins of anyone on the planet by the haplogroups identifiable in there DNA.

I am a member of the genetic group that has the haplogroup R1B1 ). Personally, i can say i dont mind other humans who do not have the genetic marker R1B coming to live in my country as long as they integrate. But i demand that people with the same genetic haplogroups as me get preference in our own national region.

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