What doesn't John D understand about this ?

7 Jan 2007
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United Kingdom

He clearly doesn't understand that instead of donating £350,000 000 per WEEK to the EU a portion of this money could be used for the NHS that's the point it was making ........true they could give £350,000,000 one week to the NHS it doesn't need that amount week after week, but at the moment we're still giving the sodding EU that amount of money per week ........Idiotic as we're coming out.

John D don't you get it ? The NHS doesn't need £14,000,000,000 per month of course the EU swallow this every month.


£350,000,000 is the better figure as it's more accurate but granted it doesn't take account if the rebate .......that Maggie would accept a reduction on and that sop Blair gave away ...idiot had his eyes on the EU PRESIDENCY.
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How sweet, another obsessive troll.

Looks like he still can't get that Ignore button to work, and keeps reading things he doesn't like.
He clearly doesn't understand that instead of donating £350,000 000 per WEEK to the EU a portion of this money could be used for the NHS that's the point it was making
How many voters understood this point clearly or misunderstood this point entirely, prior to the truth coming out? Quite a few were misled. I think that's the gripe.

However, that's politics. No great surprises there. If the remainers had won, no doubt there would have been the similar accusations from t'uther side.
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How many voters understood this point clearly or misunderstood this point entirely, prior to the truth coming out?
And yet not a single news article or vox pop by a Brexiter saying "I read the bus slogan, now I feel lied to"
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I think it's fair to say that some votes would've been swayed by the bus (as the NHS is an emotive subject), just as there would've been some votes swayed to remain by the remainers with their incorrect statement that households will lose over £4k a year if Britain left the EU.
Both sides were full of lies and guesswork and in my book, both sides should've been ashamed how they handled one of the most important decisions we've had to make in a long time. It was a farce.
I don't care either.
I am concerned about the future though. I have actually read an article about politics and it even raised my eyebrows slightly.
The article is report about our financial future within Europe and was compiled by the IFS. One interesting point is that we will still need to contribute to the EU should we wish to have membership of the single market as opposed to (a watered down version) i.e. just access to it.

Seems that leaving the EU is not all that simple and that it is not really leaving at all......

Norway is a member of the European Economic Area - the single market - without being a member of the EU but it must still make a financial contribution and accept most EU laws and free movement.

It is exempt from EU rules on agriculture, fisheries, justice and home affairs but it also has no say in how the rules of the single market are made.

I suppose the last paragraph (above) is reason enough for leaving....yes?
Further detail:
The IFS report argued that the special advantage of being an EU member was that its single market reduced or eliminated barriers to trading in services, such as the need for licences or other regulations.

The IFS said that the absence of trade barriers for services was far more important than removing tariffs on the trade in goods between EU members, such as customs checks and import taxes.

It said that while leaving the EU would free the UK from having to make a budgetary contribution of £8bn, loss of trade could depress tax receipts by a larger amount.

It found new trade deals would be unlikely to make up for lost EU trade, which accounts for 44% of British exports and 39% of service exports.

And don't forget that Norway has to pay a similar amount to the EU, so we probably will have to as well.

What part of "economic suicide" are people unclear on?

We are (or were) stronger together.
As the Outists didn't have a Plan, nobody knew if they hoped to have access to the Single Market, or if they hoped to use the "Norway Option."

Cynics might say they refused to go beyond slogans and platitudes because anything concrete could have been examined to see if it was sensible and achievable.

Some of the Outists on here claimed that the UK would suddenly discover new markets elsewhere, but refused to say why these markets were as yet untapped, or if they meant Somalia and Khazakstan.

Sadly it is far from certain that we will be welcome...
"Norway may block UK return to European Free Trade Association"
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Surely it wasn't up to "outists" to have a plan?
David Cameron called the referendum and as leader of the country surely he was the person who should have had a plan in place if the people voted "leave"?
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"I propose that we should demolish Big Ben and put up a fairground ride instead. I will not tell you if it should be a Ferris Wheel, or a Rollercoaster, or a Merry-go-Round, somebody else can decide that. Please vote for me, and a happier future for the people of Westminster. I can't tell you in what way you will be happier, or how noisy or expensive it will be, who will pay for it, when it will be built, what the rides will cost, or what we should do with the demolition rubble and the asbestos contamination. Let the anti-demolishers decide that. I am just a mop headed buffoon."

Yeah, that makes sense


So what did the Outists think they were voting for? How will they know if they get it?
Baldrick is a lot cleverer than many of the people in power.
I voted leave. One of the things I voted for was keeping the pound. And I'm pretty sure we won't have the euro currency thrust upon us now.
So part of my plan was to keep the pound.
Was somebody proposing to take the Pound Sterling away? Who?

If and when Scotland decides to leave England and form a new alliance, what currency will it use? The currency of a foreign nation over which it has no control?
Tony blair was in favour of adopting the euro if memory serves me correctly. I think mandleson was too.
If we had voted remain then in all likely hood we would see an emboldened eu tring to grab more powers and a weak politician like Blair in power (Corbyn?) only too willing to concede.
That's my theory anyway.
Are you talking about a government policy, or a rumour you overheard in a public toilet? Or written on a UKIP poster, which amounts to the same thing?

Last time the Royal Bank went bust, the cost of the bailout was shared 65 million ways. Next time it might fall on the shoulders of only 5 million. Or maybe it will be shared out between 450 million. United we stand....
I'm just giving my opinion based on events over the last 50 odd years or so.
As for government policy on the pound I agree there is none that warrants the adoption of the euro (AFAIK).
But things can change rapidly.
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