Parking Facing Oncoming Traffic

11 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
It may not be in the HWC, but I HATE drivers who park at night facing oncoming traffic with their headlights on (or worse, front fogs). :evil:

This means you have headlights distracting you from both sides of the road.

I also hate them when they hold everyone up getting into or out of that position.
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I agree.
I also hate people who pull onto my driveway to turn round with headlights on. My drive is a bit of a slope so i get a living room full of headlights....
.. and if someone lets me pass at night, rather than flash them, i dip my lights to acknowledge their kindness....
It may not be in the HWC, but I HATE drivers who park at night facing oncoming traffic with their headlights on (or worse, front fogs). :evil:

This means you have headlights distracting you from both sides of the road.

I also hate them when they hold everyone up getting into or out of that position.

flash at em, a copper did that to me, stuck with me forever, i wanna get out and shout at them, but my other half says, cool down......
I agree.
I also hate people who pull onto my driveway to turn round with headlights on. My drive is a bit of a slope so i get a living room full of headlights....
.. and
if someone lets me pass at night, rather than flash them, i dip my lights to acknowledge their kindness....

I do the same, better than half blinding someone who's just given way to you.

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It may not be in the HWC, but I HATE drivers who park at night facing oncoming traffic with their headlights on (or worse, front fogs). :evil:

this, in my opinion, is the only time sidelights are acceptable for use on the road. in my job i sometimes park on the opposite side for convienience, i always switch to sidelights.

an even better solution would be to adopt the laws of some of our euro cousins and outlaw parking on the wrong side altogether.

the problem is our police whilst adept at enforcing some road traffic laws are utterly inept at others, i quite often see them breaking the law or causing a nuisance themselves.

roll on the day that they finally wake up and start instant fining of people for not using indicators, illegal use of lights, poor parking and generally poor driving standards. i fear it will never happen in this banana republic. :rolleyes:
f you park on the wrong side in Oz you'll get a ticket. The argument is that you have to perform an illegal movement to get there.
I thought once the highway code, stated you had to park on the facing the correct way.

I also dont flash at night but turn dipped off.
While we're on the subject of headlights, What is the correct alignment of headlights? I know in this country they can shine upwards to the left. But i remember once overtaking someone on a motorway and they pulled out behind me and flashed at me for about half an hour, because (and i could see this) my left headlight was shining right into his side windows for the duration of the manoeuvre! I now use the levelling control next to the headlight switch, to vary the position of the lights depending on road conditions. Does anyone else do this? (Out of interest, my car is MOT'd by a Ford garage, the lights are apparently not defective, and they are standard halogen units, none of this HID nonsense)

Rule 239 of The Highway Code:

If you have to stop on the roadside:

* do not park facing against the traffic flow
* stop as close as you can to the side
* you MUST switch off the engine, headlights and fog lights

MOT Testing.
Headlight Alignment:

If all vehicles three years old and over have them tested every year how come so many run round blinding or dazzling other drivers?

Drove two miles this morning in the dark and very heavy rain and came across seven cars pretending to be motorbikes with only one headlamp working and some did not even have a side light working on the same side.
It should be made compulsary for vehicles to carry a small kit with a spare bulb of every type fitted to replace any dud ones. Then, if pulled over the driver should be made to change it there and then or not be allowed to drive until daylight and also ticketed for defective lighting.
The only problem with that is trying to get the ppolice to enforce it.
Dave.m - good idea in theory but, in practice, doing this by the roadside on a dark night would be impossible. Many modern cars are so complicated that you require a garage mechanic to change your bulbs.
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