Universal Credit

15 Nov 2005
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Cook Islands
The Archbishop of York writes:

"They fear Universal Credit, particularly because it seems to assume that everyone has a nest egg which will tide them over as they wait a minimum of 42 days for payouts. That is grotesquely ignorant, for millions of people, especially those in need of support, are already in debt and have nothing to fall back on. If their rental payments lapse, they are at risk of eviction. That means, in the case of families with young children, an additional burden for their local Council, who are obliged to house them, and whose resources are already stretched to breaking point. Some tenants have taken out short-term loans at excessive interest rates, because that seemed the only way out of their ’42 day' dilemma. So the repayment of capital and interest on those loans becomes the first call on any payment they receive. It’s a downward spiral."
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Somebody else said:

"sounds like nonsense doesn't it? A script from a political farce. But no, it's actually what's happening. Here's what the Government say:

If you’re paid weekly

If you’re paid weekly by your employer, you will get either 4 or 5 payments of earnings within a Universal Credit assessment period. Depending on the amount you get paid this may affect your Universal Credit.

*When you have 5 weekly earnings payments within an assessment period, your income may be too high to qualify for Universal Credit in that month.

If this happens you will be notified that your income is too high and you will no longer get Universal Credit.*

You can re-apply the following month as you should only get 4 wage payments in your assessment period then.

You will need to be prepared for a month when you get 5 wage payments in one assessment period and budget for a potential change in your monthly Universal Credit payments.

From the document "Guidance: Universal Credit: different earning patterns and your payments (payment cycles)"

Nevermind universal credit, what about universal income? It will have to happen eventually
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Is not universal income already a reality in Finland ? or Norway ?
In June, you may have heard the story about the Stroke sufferer running out of money and hoping some Universal Credit would turn up.

"A Somerset man, who was left partially paralysed after suffering a stroke, may be forced to sell his house. This is because he has accumulated high levels of debt whilst waiting to receive benefit payments.

Chris Gold was initially refused the Universal Credit benefit after being told he should be working.

This was despite Chris suffering brain damage as well as paralysis following the stroke."


"The Department for Work and Pensions said it has looked into Chris Gold's case and a JobCentre plus advisor has visited him to discuss his claim and help him access the support available to him.

Chris is hoping to receive his backdated Universal Credit soon, but he says most of it will go on clearing up the debts he's built up this year."
Well the DWP can stop bothering now.

He's died.


"Man died 'in hunger' while waiting for Universal Credit just days after ITV interview"


"The charity Citizens Advice Taunton, says between April and September this year they helped over 450 people who are either trying to claim Universal Credit or are in debt because of delays in receiving it.

In the end, Chris never received the benefit.

He died waiting."

:rolleyes: mean while some bloke on the telley a while back came to the UK from Romania with his 5 kids , no job, no offer of a job & got a council house plus finacial help. ;)
we can always rely on foreigner-hating transam to show derision and make up some story.
we can always rely on foreigner-hating transam to show derision and make up some story.

not made up at all , there was documentary series on social housing on the T.V . Those who gave the Romanian the hse were as disgusted as every one else tbh , but they had no choice.

Obviously u think he was deserving or more deserving then the case of the bloke u posted up about

No surprise there than :LOL:
I'm struggling to feel sympathy for the majority of benefit claimants who see state handouts as a way of life not a means of assistance while they look for work or are off work for a while.

It's a benefit not a right.
:rolleyes: mean while some bloke on the telley a while back came to the UK from Romania with his 5 kids , no job, no offer of a job & got a council house plus finacial help. ;)

Yes, the problems with lack of housing, NHS waiting times, lack of school places, lack of tax revenue for services, less for pensions, and general crap way of life we have now are directly related to the unsustainable migration the UK has been subjected to over the past few years.

Yes, the problems with lack of housing, NHS waiting times, lack of school places, lack of tax revenue for services, less for pensions, and general crap way of life we have now are directly related to the unsustainable migration the UK has been subjected to over the past few years.


I think a lobotomy would improve your intelligence.
I think a lobotomy would improve your intelligence.
So, kranky, what do you think has caused the shortage of housing? (and please, don't use that age old excuse that all the council houses have been sold off), because these council houses that were sold off are still standing and still lived in.
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