There's no such thing as society.

2 Jul 2019
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United Kingdom
As the last Maggie quote proved so popular, here's another. Thoughts gentlemen?

“I think we've been through a period where too many people have been given to understand that if they have a problem, it's the government's job to cope with it. 'I have a problem, I'll get a grant.' 'I'm homeless, the government must house me.' They're casting their problem on society. And, you know, there is no such thing as society. There are individual men and women, and there are families. And no government can do anything except through people, and people must look to themselves first. It's our duty to look after ourselves and then, also to look after our neighbour. People have got the entitlements too much in mind, without the obligations. There's no such thing as entitlement, unless someone has first met an obligation."
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The left will soon be howling at that ....These people risking their lives crossing the chanel from that Barbaric country called France are entitled to all they can get here ! Is it about 1200 or so this year ?
perhaps somebody should tell the 250,000 disabled people tat have had their benefits cut.

Im sure they would agree
The left will soon be howling at that ....These people risking their lives crossing the chanel from that Barbaric country called France are entitled to all they can get here ! Is it about 1200 or so this year ?

You must be pleased that ex soldiers cant afford to live and are ending up on the streets due to universal credit.

What a proud nation we are
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I heard Iain (duncan) Smith on the radio, saying how hard it was to make tax-dodgers pay up, years after they thought they'd got away with it and spent the money.

Nice to see he has sympathy for well-paid tax evaders, but not for the poor.
perhaps somebody should tell the 250,000 disabled people tat have had their benefits cut.

Im sure they would agree

I have no issue at all with those with a genuine need, but there are a few who play the system. I certainly do have issue with people brought up in an environment where they just expect the state to take care of them, as many of the younger generation seem to expect.
I heard Iain (duncan) Smith on the radio, saying how hard it was to make tax-dodgers pay up, years after they thought they'd got away with it and spent the money.

Nice to see he has sympathy for well-paid tax evaders, but not for the poor.

I think youll find this was him referencing HMRC moving goal posts and retrospective taxing on what was legal until HMRC changed their mind. Nothing to do with lacking sympathy for 'the poor' . Poor is a poor definition here, you are poor for many reasons self inflicted or not, i completely agree we should be supporting the disabled elderly and especially ex serviceman/women as a high priority however.
what was legal

You're talking about a scheme where people put their earnings offshore, then had the money paid to them, and pretended it was a "loan" (which they never paid back).

Let's think...

You are a plumber and unblock a toilet for £1,000. You ask the client to write a cheque for £1,000 to "Festering Drains (Virgin Islands) Ltd"

You pay his £1,000 cheque into the Virgin Islands account.

You then write a £1,000 cheque on the Virgin islands account, payable to yourself.

Somebody says "what did you get paid for unblocking that toilet?"

You say "nothing"

You then spend the £1,000.

You pay no tax and no national Insurance.

You are a tax dodging crook and have no-one to blame but yourself when, eventually, you are caught.

If, seriously, you are surprised when you are eventually caught, you are also an idiot.
You're talking about a scheme where people put their earnings offshore, then had the money paid to them, and pretended it was a "loan" (which they never paid back).

Let's think...

You are a plumber and unblock a toilet for £1,000. You ask the client to write a cheque for £1,000 to "Festering Drains (Virgin Islands) Ltd"

You pay his £1,000 cheque into the Virgin Islands account.

You then write a £1,000 cheque on the Virgin islands account, payable to yourself.

Somebody says "what did you get paid for unblocking that toilet?"

You say "nothing"

You then spend the £1,000.

You pay no tax and no national Insurance.

You are a tax dodging crook and have no-one to blame but yourself when, eventually, you are caught.

If, seriously, you are surprised when you are eventually caught, you are also an idiot.

I stand to be corrected but listening to the whole broadcast that's not what happened, its not that simple, so dont make it out so. This is the problem with yourself at times, you paint a biased picture for your own argument, whats the point, win every argument with yourself don't waste everyone elses time doing it!?. End of discussion with you.
If you think my description is inaccurate, let's hear what you think the scheme did.

It is a transparent tax dodge.

No-one with the brains of a gnat could seriously have expected to get away with it.
As the last Maggie quote proved so popular, here's another. Thoughts gentlemen?

“I think we've been through a period where too many people have been given to understand that if they have a problem, it's the government's job to cope with it. 'I have a problem, I'll get a grant.' 'I'm homeless, the government must house me.' They're casting their problem on society. And, you know, there is no such thing as society. There are individual men and women, and there are families. And no government can do anything except through people, and people must look to themselves first. It's our duty to look after ourselves and then, also to look after our neighbour. People have got the entitlements too much in mind, without the obligations. There's no such thing as entitlement, unless someone has first met an obligation."

So the amount of immigrants should not bother you at all.
I stand to be corrected but listening to the whole broadcast that's not what happened, its not that simple, so dont make it out so. This is the problem with yourself at times, you paint a biased picture for your own argument, whats the point, win every argument with yourself don't waste everyone elses time doing it!?. End of discussion with you.

I know a few contractors caught up in this and they knew exactly why they were doing it. The scheme had the legal advice of a Barrister but it was tenuous to say the least. In any case the money was loaned back to themselves and they never planned to ever pay the moneyu back. It was clear tax evasion because the legal advice did not hold up - that was the risk they knew.

When you are earning 150-200k and you are paying 7-9% in management fees- then for some the risk is worth it. The HMRC are chasing these guys up now. Imagine avoiding £75-100k a yr for about 5 plus yrs thats about half a million.
I know a few contractors caught up in this and they knew exactly why they were doing it. The scheme had the legal advice of a Barrister but it was tenuous to say the least. In any case the money was loaned back to themselves and they never planned to ever pay the moneyu back. It was clear tax evasion because the legal advice did not hold up - that was the risk they knew.

When you are earning 150-200k and you are paying 7-9% in management fees- then for some the risk is worth it. The HMRC are chasing these guys up now. Imagine avoiding £75-100k a yr for about 5 plus yrs thats about half a million.

They tried to involve me in this tax dodge, around 10 or 15 years ago. It simply didn't stack up from what I read, so told them no thanks.
I certainly do have issue with people brought up in an environment where they just expect the state to take care of them, as many of the younger generation seem to expect.
Care to provide proof to back up that claim?
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