Poor food standards

2 Jul 2019
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United Kingdom
It would appear the EU will need to up their game and their standards if they want to continue exporting food to the UK.


THE EU has been warned that it will have to meet Britain's high food standards to be allowed to sell in the UK after the end of transition.

The warning from international trade secretary Liz Truss came as new concerns over EU standards have been highlighted by meat inspectors.
They have warned that a decision by Brussels to downgrade inspections of pork could allow tuberculosis into the food chain.
Speaking exclusively to the Sunday Express, Ms Truss also agreed that critics of US food standards trying to block a free trade deal with America are guilty of “double standards” by ignoring dubious practices in the EU.
“Inspectors stopped cutting lymph nodes in pigs’ heads, which are known to contain abscesses and tuberculosis lesions. Under previous systems, the pigs’ head would have been rejected for food, but now the meat is minced to make sausages and meat pies, spreading the pus from the abscesses and TB material throughout these products.

“I don’t think you can prove it’s safe to feed people abscesses, pus and TB material.”

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I thought that may be interesting, and went to find it from a better source as this is at odds to what we've been told for months..

There's no other information/articles out there that I can see? The Express have been touting that Catherine is preggars again for 2 weeks and are fond of making stuff up so I will have to wait and see.... ! :)
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It's terrible the way the EU have acted on advice given by the UK Food Standard agency:

"The new regulations have been drawn up by the European Food Safety Authority, an agency funded by the EU, but they are based on scientific advice from the FSA"

What's even more amazing is how Liz Truss and the Express have been so quick at picking up a story of something that took place in 2014.

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It's terrible the way the EU have acted on advice given by the UK Food Standard agency:

"The new regulations have been drawn up by the European Food Safety Authority, an agency funded by the EU, but they are based on scientific advice from the FSA"

What's even more amazing is how Liz Truss and the Express have been so quick at picking up a story of something that took place in 2014.


Who eats pigs heads anyway.
Lots of EU standards are built from British Standards.

Not that I expect you to know that.

I was aware which is why I'm constantly amused by the sheep who see European standards as the holy grail, I can certainly remember a time when the advice when travelling to Europe was don't drink the water and wear wellingtons if you need to plug in an appliance.
I was aware which is why I'm constantly amused by the sheep who see European standards as the holy grail, I can certainly remember a time when the advice when travelling to Europe was don't drink the water and wear wellingtons if you need to plug in an appliance.
Interesting you don't see the irony.

You proudly post a 6 year old story regurgitated as something current from the Daily Brexit propaganda rag and try and claim other people are sheep.

You are a prime example of Brexit steeple

If you really wanted to make a genuine point about EU food standards you could have researched E123
BSstandardsonline will be making good out of Brexit, now that their standards will be in favour again :)
As Notch rightly points out, the EU adopted our Food Standards, not the other way round.

Something someone should have mentioned to Johnson before he started his kipper-waving speech.
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