Rabid CV19 denier dies of CV19

15 Nov 2005
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Cook Islands
Tanzania's President John Magufuli has died aged 61, the country's vice-president has announced.

Magufuli was one of Africa's most prominent coronavirus sceptics, and called for prayers and herbal-infused steam therapy to counter the virus.

Magufuli was last seen in public on 27 February, but Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa insisted last week that the president was "healthy and working hard".

He blamed the rumours of the president's ill-health on "hateful" Tanzanians living abroad.

There are no publicly available records for recent deaths in Tanzania, and no information has been released on the impact of coronavirus since May last year, when 500 cases and 20 deaths were reported up to that point.

The authorities have insisted there is little to worry about, and have taken tough action against those they accuse of spreading "false information".

Hospital doctors have been forbidden from referring to the disease in public.

However, in a busy hospital in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania's largest city, a doctor told the BBC there had been a marked increase in admissions of patients exhibiting respiratory symptoms consistent with Covid-19 over the past two months.

"There has also been an increase in patients requiring oxygen," he told us.

"The situation has been the same everywhere, in both public and private hospitals. Some patients are even buying oxygen for use at home.

"You can't put down Covid-19 because it is not recognised," he says, "so it puts you in an awkward position as a doctor, and we're getting no guidance on how to treat patients."

In mid-February, the Medical Association of Tanzania issued a carefully-worded statement about "an increase in patients with breathing difficulties".

Source: BBC news site
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Have you ever, in your pathetic lifetime so far, ever visited one of these 'banana republics' comrade ?

Despite the attempts of your MSM to taint everywhere other than "here" as something of a joke, there are still a few of us who don't recognise the places we actually visit & enjoy from the how they are depicted on the screen of the BBC & the pages of the Guardian . . . .

You think that Tanzania is "everywhere?"

As a denier yourself, is this how you cope with the inevitability of other deniers succumbing to a disease you claim "doesn't exist? "
"You can't put down Covid-19 because it is not recognised," he says, "so it puts you in an awkward position as a doctor, and we're getting no guidance on how to treat patients
If CV19 is not recognised in Tanzania how do we know the President died of it.
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If CV19 is not recognised in Tanzania how do we know the President died of it.

"You can't put down Covid-19 because it is not recognised,"

You could also say that in other countries the 'virus' is maybe recorded as the cause of death however tenuous the link?

One would hope that when the history of this is written that the truth will out...

But I have a feeling that we'll be fobbed off with a lengthy/expensive 'lessons will be learned' sham inquiry...

And by then any rights to protest/show dissent to any 'findings' will have been removed!
Covid 19 really exists, i had myself last November(according to the test).
However in how many cases is it the real cause of death.
A local Gynaecologist died a few days ago.
The headlines in the local paper said he died of Covid19 but his son said that his father had been suffering from acute Leukaemia for some time.
So what actually killed him.
The headlines in the local paper said he died of Covid19 but his son said that his father had been suffering from acute Leukaemia for some time.
So what actually killed him.
One has to question the recording of deaths...

Especially given that this has happened...

"More than 500 people may have had their human rights breached over 'do not resuscitate' decisions made during the coronavirus pandemic, it has been revealed.
The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has called for ministerial action to tackle the "worrying variation" in people's experiences of 'do not attempt cardiopulmonary resuscitation' (DNACPR) decisions.
Some families, it says, were not properly involved and others totally unaware decisions had been made."

"And the CQC's interim report in December found doctors may have made blanket decisions without the input of patients or their families during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic."
I would like to think that a doctor would know when a DNR was applicable. Most of the time I think the terminally ill are helped to pass by a final shot of morphine although they can’t admit that. They certainly did that to my father and father in law and I would hope they would do the same for me if it was obvious I would have no quality of life if resuscitated.

Im currently sorting out an LPA for my mum, the finance one only and not the health one, she said to let any decisions about DNR and treatment to be left to the medical profession and not be put on me or my sister.
If CV19 is not recognised in Tanzania how do we know the President died of it.
Tanzanian president dies of mysterious pneumonia like infection sweeping Tanzania? Tanzania previously eradicated Covid-19 by not testing for it, but has since seen a large rise in deaths due to pneumonia in a completely unconnected coincidence.
I would like to think that a doctor would know when a DNR was applicable.
But with no request/consultation with the patient's family as to their wishes and that which they have spoken to their relative about?

Most of the time I think the terminally ill are helped to pass by a final shot of morphine although they can’t admit that. They certainly did that to my father and father in law and I would hope they would do the same for me if it was obvious I would have no quality of life if resuscitated.
That may be correct in 'certain circumstances', and I would probably wish that for myself under said 'certain circumstances'. But others may disagree, and to have a 'blanket' use of DNR must be looked into.
That is the state yet again overriding the family!

Plus at present that 'final shot' may well be 'humane', but still unlawful.
And sometimes totally criminal. Remember a certain Doctor Shipman?

Im currently sorting out an LPA for my mum, the finance one only and not the health one, she said to let any decisions about DNR and treatment to be left to the medical profession and not be put on me or my sister.
We already have both those powers which are applicable for parents, and the decision about who should decide was the opposite. And we are quite happy to take on that responsibility knowing that is the consensus ...

It should be a matter of family choice, don't you agree?

Edit: When much younger, all of our kids expressed their wish to be organ donors should the worst happen. They expressed it to us at various ages with no prompting.

We would of course have had the last say, but we would have always respected those wishes even if we had thought differently. Which we don't.

Would you agree to a doctor overriding an 'opt out' from a donor registry?
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I've made my point and I’m sticking with it thanks. You do what you feel is right and I’ll do what I feel is right.
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