A brexit bonus

2 Jul 2019
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I was only saying that the other day……

Notch won't have it.......... Ask him a bout 250 page 5 year study that proved mass immigration doesn't keep wages low.... it was all there in black and white
Looks like a few of us were right about wages rising when freedom of movement ends. I'm still puzzled as to why so many on here who are so keen on virtue signalling yet champion a system that consigns people to poverty.

End of Free Movement Sees Costa Raise Wages (timesnewsuk.com)

Brexit news: Britons enjoying higher salaries after leaving the EU | UK | News | Express.co.uk
Did anyone disagree? It's not exactly predicting the lottery numbers if everyone said the same thing.

I wonder if you also predicted shortages in the shops and a collapse of our food exports.
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Can’t make an omelette without breaking eggs. It’ll all come good eventually. Patience laddie, patience.
Looks like a few of us were right about wages rising when freedom of movement ends. I'm still puzzled as to why so many on here who are so keen on virtue signalling yet champion a system that consigns people to poverty.

End of Free Movement Sees Costa Raise Wages (timesnewsuk.com)

Brexit news: Britons enjoying higher salaries after leaving the EU | UK | News | Express.co.uk

Virtue signalling eh?

It’s funny isn’t it, in a right wing capitalist society….the wealthy business owners don’t pay a fair wage they pay what they can get away with.

and here we are, right wing voters applauding that.
I see Brexit supporters are far too stupid to realise these wage rises are because there is a massive shortage of workers in sectors that British people don’t want to work in.

Anybody with a brain would realise a massive shortage of workers will cause the economy to stall.

Apparently it will take 2 years to sort out.
More Brexit failure.
I see Brexit supporters are far too stupid to realise these wage rises are because there is a massive shortage of workers in sectors that British people don’t want to work in.

Anybody with a brain would realise a massive shortage of workers will cause the economy to stall.

Apparently it will take 2 years to sort out.
More Brexit failure.

Says the man who didn't even know we had a tariff and quota free trade deal with the EU. Keep 'em coming Notch, you're priceless.

last year = still freedom of movement, no supply chain chaos
This year = no freedom of movement massive supply chain chaos

Germany =massive supply chain chaos
France = massive supply chain chaos

They're still in the EU aren't they?
Says the man who didn't even know we had a tariff and quota free trade deal with the EU. Keep 'em coming Notch, you're priceless.

We don’t have a tariff free trade deal.

I’ve already proved it.

How’s that £7billion Brexit red tape working out, along with 50% increases in haulage costs, carnets and transit documents wrecking the entertainment business, exports to Ireland plummeted and total melt down of supply chains.

But hey, you keep banging that drum of failure :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Germany =massive supply chain chaos
France = massive supply chain chaos

They're still in the EU aren't they?
No they haven’t.

Sure they have supply chain problems due to Covid…….they do not have a massive supply chain chaos due to driver shortages.

but hey, you keep lying to yourself……whilst Brexit failure grows daily

Fillyboy….one of the musicians on the Titanic. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
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