NEWSFLASH -sue grays report!!

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The new look Gove has been on the box talking about levelling up. We will be able to judge them in 2030. More mayors and more devolution to locals. Cronwall may be regarded as an entity. Money sounds short. No extra ??? Pass. One comment given. In Yorkshire they spend X per head on public transport where as in London the spend nearly 3 times as much. Aim to reduce the difference not level it. Wow more 5G.
With this sort of thing I wonder who will be paying for it. Say Yorkshire needs 1,000 more buses, monorails or what ever The general way is a company does it and the punters pay for it. We already have a major toll road which gets people around the M5 M6 junction area which is still a nightmare. The EU have been funding roads in some parts of the country.

Seems gas prices will be reduced by £200 at some point. Average, max user or what with some more help to people at some poverty level. How - loan the gas supplier some money. Repaid over time by maintaining charges to some level or the other. Who says it will get cheaper? Opening more fields would help - out come the greens who may get more votes. Those may be what changed directions in Germany which caused a general price increase according to some.
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That is rubbish Filly and even your wonderful Tory disagree. They even feel stooping that low was a very bad idea.

So, as head of the CPS, he's not responsible for any decisions taken by the CPS. Even Starmer is quoted as saying different to that. Even forgetting about Savile for a moment, his track record as head of the CPS was appalling. Boris's reference to prosecuting journalists was a about the CPS spending 4 years trying to prosecute 23 Sun journalists, there was no case to answer so it was thrown out and the journalists were acquitted, Starmers reaction was to state that Stephen Lawrence's killers had at one time been acquitted.
John Worbuoys would never have been considered for release from prison had the CPS (under Starmer) decided not to prosecute him for a further 75 reported rapes simply because he was already serving a prison sentence.
Failed to prosecute a police officer who killed newspaper vendor Ian Tomlinson.
Championed the innocence of a convicted murderer who later admitted that he was actually guilty.
Ordered the CPS in Wales to drop the prosecution of a primary school teacher who had been accused of sexting a 16 year old boy, who went on to commit suicide.

A report into Starmers tenure at the CPS showed it was performing well below the required standard.
A survey of CPS staff found that just 12% of them thought the CPS was well managed under Starmer.

As for Savile, Starmers actually on record for apologising to Saviles victims for the disastrous failings by the CPS.
So, as head of the CPS, he's not responsible for any decisions taken by the CPS. Even Starmer is quoted as saying different to that. Even forgetting about Savile for a moment, his track record as head of the CPS was appalling. Boris's reference to prosecuting journalists was a about the CPS spending 4 years trying to prosecute 23 Sun journalists, there was no case to answer so it was thrown out and the journalists were acquitted, Starmers reaction was to state that Stephen Lawrence's killers had at one time been acquitted.
John Worbuoys would never have been considered for release from prison had the CPS (under Starmer) decided not to prosecute him for a further 75 reported rapes simply because he was already serving a prison sentence.
Failed to prosecute a police officer who killed newspaper vendor Ian Tomlinson.
Championed the innocence of a convicted murderer who later admitted that he was actually guilty.
Ordered the CPS in Wales to drop the prosecution of a primary school teacher who had been accused of sexting a 16 year old boy, who went on to commit suicide.

A report into Starmers tenure at the CPS showed it was performing well below the required standard.
A survey of CPS staff found that just 12% of them thought the CPS was well managed under Starmer.

As for Savile, Starmers actually on record for apologising to Saviles victims for the disastrous failings by the CPS.

blimey the bloke has a p*** poor
Record :eek:

Even had his previous boss and friend ? thrown out the party
Actually Starmer was the bloke that started a serious investigation into it all. He was not directly involved until that happened and he gave the job to some one else.

It's more akin to an mp or lower going awol. Bit like a recent report on an MP where the report went to Boris who promptly tried to hid it. Some what different to what Starmer did.

Now you know why many Tory were not happy about Boris's comment. Probably not keen on the other one when Starmer got him to admit that those that lie to the house have resign. He called Starmer a lawyer which of course he is. Boris wont be happy about it because he can't argue about what he actually said if he is found to have lied.

I've been wondering if the Tory have any truly proficient legal people with political experience around. In some ways they can make ideal PM's. Gove is another ex reporter.

Anyway levelling up is pushing the Grey report further down in the news. As intended.
So, as head of the CPS, he's not responsible for any decisions taken by the CPS. Even Starmer is quoted as saying different to that. Even forgetting about Savile for a moment, his track record as head of the CPS was appalling. Boris's reference to prosecuting journalists was a about the CPS spending 4 years trying to prosecute 23 Sun journalists, there was no case to answer so it was thrown out and the journalists were acquitted, Starmers reaction was to state that Stephen Lawrence's killers had at one time been acquitted.
John Worbuoys would never have been considered for release from prison had the CPS (under Starmer) decided not to prosecute him for a further 75 reported rapes simply because he was already serving a prison sentence.
Failed to prosecute a police officer who killed newspaper vendor Ian Tomlinson.
Championed the innocence of a convicted murderer who later admitted that he was actually guilty.
Ordered the CPS in Wales to drop the prosecution of a primary school teacher who had been accused of sexting a 16 year old boy, who went on to commit suicide.

A report into Starmers tenure at the CPS showed it was performing well below the required standard.
A survey of CPS staff found that just 12% of them thought the CPS was well managed under Starmer.

As for Savile, Starmers actually on record for apologising to Saviles victims for the disastrous failings by the CPS.

Ive never such sh1t in my life, you really are full of it.
Actually Starmer was the bloke that started a serious investigation into it all. He was not directly involved until that happened and he gave the job to some one else.

Yes, and when the results indicated serious failings within both the police and the CPS, Starmer issued an apology to the victims, on behalf of the CPS, of which he was the head.
Yes, and when the results indicated serious failings within both the police and the CPS, Starmer issued an apology to the victims, on behalf of the CPS, of which he was the head.
That is an admission that according to you he did no wrong and unlike some person that I needn't mention apologies for what happens when the real problem was well below where he worked.
That is an admission that according to you he did no wrong and unlike some person that I needn't mention apologies for what happens when the real problem was well below where he worked.

I'm not saying he did wrong, I'm saying that he was the head of the organisation that made a long series of appalling decisions, and therefore the buck stops with him.
Historically how many ministers have resigned over decisions made by people 'further down the line'?, quite a few.

Starmer will throw as much **** as he can over this in case the spotlight falls on one or two other CPS outcomes while he was in charge.

As for Tory MP's expressing outrage, just a few rebels jostling for position.
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