Most annoying ad on TV

30 Dec 2018
Reaction score
Up North
United Kingdom
Near the top of the list for me is the Daisy, Daisy, Daisy ad - the gormless smile on the girls faces.
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Half the ads don't make it clear what they are actually selling.
One that really gets my goat is the sponsorship ad on Dave. Can't remember the make of vehicles but one has a guy sitting on a stool with a hair dryer and when he switches it on it spins him round. The other one is a guy plugging his EV in and then trying to get a cup of popcorn but the machine goes crazy and he ends up sitting in popcorn up to his neck. For the life of me I couldn't tell you the make of cars.
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be those dating sites ads were it shows you sad old men looking for love and a housekeeper
be those dating sites ads were it shows you sad old men looking for love and a housekeeper
Cadbury's - the ones where the boy and girl's eyes keep poppping about!
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