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In the context of my post, how the other 27 are doing is almost irrelevant. If we want to (truly, accurately) know how the UK would have fared had it remained, the only way to know this is to assess a parallel universe EU member UK that never left, with all other variables remaining the same.

This is why these discussions become cyclical, there's no definitive way to conclude one way or the other.

You have changed the question in an attempt to prove that it is impossible to say if the idea was successful.
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Yes. I've said before, it’s a long term plan.

Brexit was not a plan.

A plan has to say "This is what we want to achieve, and this is how we will do it"

Brexers were unable to agree either of those before the referendum, or since. They never will.

They are not able to satisfy each other because they did not agree, or achieve, a goal.
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I see our isolated insignificant little country has risen to number 2 in the global soft power ratings having overtaken Germany.

Did brexit make that difference ?
What is this long term plan. Brexit benefits are always off in the future, always around the corner.

So tell me what is the long term Brexit plan - don't be shy now.
I don’t know, I’m not running it. That’s what we elect governments for - they don’t keep us informed of all the detail.
Okay then, a long term aim.

What was this "aim" you speak of?

Was it agreed by the Brexers?

Was it published in a manifesto?

Did the population have a chance to understand and vote on it?

Did Parliament vote on it?
What was this "aim" you speak of?

Was it agreed by the Brexers?

Was it published in a manifesto?

Did the population have a chance to understand and vote on it?

Did Parliament vote on it?

'Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?'

We voted to leave and we left. Grow up and accept it.
What was this "aim" you speak of?

Was it agreed by the Brexers?

Was it published in a manifesto?

Did the population have a chance to understand and vote on it?

Did Parliament vote on it?
Can you give me the manifesto of the last political party that you voted for who won a GE and formed a government. I’d like to see if that manifesto was carried out.
'Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?'

We voted to leave and we left. Grow up and accept it.
Think we've all grown up and accepted it.

As grown ups we are looking for the advantages, not being childish and pretending its all just around the corner.
Think we've all grown up and accepted it.

As grown ups we are looking for the advantages, not being childish and pretending its all just around the corner.

'Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?'

We voted to leave and we left.

So why are Brexers moaning?

Why can't they grow up and accept it has brought costs but no benefits?

Why is mottie saying it will take a long time?
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