COVID vaccines and heart attack risk revealed

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Cool, so no one has any real argument, simply Gubernment = conspiracy.
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The high rates of excess deaths are now being used as the normal baseline to calculate current ongoing deaths. The excess deaths are now the new normal = problem gone away = no questions for the Gov to answer. Its like excess deaths stood too close to a Russian high rise apartment window.
And you are ok with this - you love your johnson/truss/sunak government so much that you are willing to let them pat you on the head and give you a lolypop and tell you to move along, nothing to see here, everything is fine -- then good for you.
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Show us your evidence where people have said that taking the AZ vax makes hairs grow on the palms of your hands.
Lets uses some of your own reply's to describe your hairs on palms childish remark.
Hypertrichosis : 4

The yellow card system is meant to catch every possible ADR so it doesn't even try to filter out the jibberish.
This isn't something I've been following so I'm very much out of the loop. What is the main evidence that the vaccine has caused excess deaths? In a nutshell.
Define "always".
I see you refuse to address the point that 'conspiracy theories' are often anything but...

But to humour you, 'always' in this case means time and time again with no end in sight...

Good enough for you 'at this time'?
Hypertrichosis : 4

The yellow card system is meant to catch every possible ADR so it doesn't even try to filter out the jibberish.
I,m still waiting for your apology.
And it looks like you owe me another as the ADR list you linked to does not mention anyone getting hairs on the palm of their hands.
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Apparently the first sign of madness is getting hairs on the palms of your hand, and the second sign is looking for them..... I'll get my coat...
I see you refuse to address the point that 'conspiracy theories' are often anything but...

..because it wasn't there when I was addressing your point: I presume that you were adding to the post I was answering, while I was answering it.
Went to visit a friend in hospital recently, he is recovering from a triple heart operation. The staff told him they have never seen this many people with the same problems. A relative has just come out of hospital with the same problem.
Both of these people are slender active non smokers. Came out of the blue for both of them!
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