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  • Hi hubby is a structural technician as far as i know he did not check for clay blocks etc as he was only put in charge of calcs planning etc some of the blame lies with his associate i only found this out this morning . We just need to speak to someone who has experience of dealing with this thanks
    Hi Woody I hope you dont mind me messaging you, you seem to know what you are talking about and I was wondering if I could ask for some advice on my planning permission for a conservatory and neighbours who are being very awkward?
    Hi Woody, what I meant was that if she wanted a letter or something that she could show her neighbour I could do that. Not free, but covered by my PI. I am happy to discuss matters generally on thr open forum though. Cheers, Bob
    Hi Woody, I spotted a post you left regards joist hangers (drilling out mortar slotting in and pointing up). Probably a silly question but do they need bolting to the wall also? I can't see how they'd move with the joist butted right up to them but wanted to check!
    Hope you don't mind me messaging you matey but I've searched everywhere for advise and couldn't get any more info on them.
    Hi Woody,
    The body of the text regarding our shed roof shape is as follows:
    "I would therefore request that you make arrangements for the roof element of this development to be altered so that it fully complies with the requirements of class E.1(d)(i) in that the development has a dual-pitched roof." The document that it refers to is the general permitted development order 1995 as amended in October last year.
    I hope that this explains our problem further. They do not have an issue with it being a Gambrel roof only that it is not dual pitched. Please look up Gambrel Roof on google as this is the shape of our roof and also if you look up dual pitched roof on google it states a Gambrel roof as an example.

    hi, this is windowszhang,from china. nice to meet you
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