
  1. J

    Penetrating rain through gable wall - will this work?

    Hi all, We are getting penetrating rain coming in through our gable wall. The gable is made of block work added for a hip to gable loft extension, with a very thin concrete render over the top. There is some cracking visible as seen in the photo. We are thinking of the following solution: 1...
  2. Waddell

    Dark/Damp patch on new insulated slab corner

    Hi, I recently laid down a new insulated concrete slab for my new garden room. I have drawn and attached the slab detail. I have noticed a dark damp patch in the corner under the DPC I've laid under the timber frame. There hasn't been much rain and the dampness is a brown-ish colour. Would...
  3. G

    Narrow black lines on interior walls

    Hi all I have noticed a series of narrow black lines on an interior wall between the bathroom and the bedroom. They are about 30cm long and 1cm apart and only appear in an area about 30cm by 30cm. This area is behind the tap end of the bath but about 50cm above the bath level. There are none...
  4. L

    Damp proofing help! Tanking slurry and vapour barrier?

    Hello, I am converting the garden brick shed into a garden office and music room. It is built from brick walls with a concrete floor. I’m planning to building a stud wall and insulate with mineral wool (rockwool). the brick wall is essentially the garden wall, where they have popped a...
  5. C

    Painting damp walls

    In the living room of my son's middle floor tenement flat, damp appeared in the corner of an internal wall, external wall and ceiling. Turned out that upstairs had a rising mains leak which was eventually fixed late 2022. However, both walls about 1m each in from the corner were damaged...
  6. P

    Would building a batton wall on the inner side of an exterior cavity wall cause any problems?

    Hiya, thank you for reading this :-) The details are: the house is a 1987 build with: Red brick outer skin, Cavity (I don't have any more info about the cavity at the moment as all our stuff is in storage), Thermalite blocks, Thick plaster (12mm approx), And a skim coat of plaster. On top of...
  7. H

    Victorian damp question

    Renovating our Victorian London terrace. The front garden was built up way too high so we have dig down to below the air brick and plan to lay permeable membrane and then cover with gravel. We have come across what looks like an old drain in front of the air brick (photo attached) but we can’t...
  8. J

    Dry rot

    Hi there I am getting professionals to look at this but wondered if anyone could give me an indication in the meantime. Does this look like dry rot to you? Apologies for the poor quality photos, it's the best I can do with my phone camera. Note the fine cobweb-like strands and some...
  9. B

    Damp Problem - Who to Approach

    I seem to have a damp problem in part of my flat in Hackney, East London. No mould growth, but areas of powdery residue on the drywall. The brickwork behind is damp (have cut a hole in the drywall and used a test meter on the bricks). The cause isn't obvious. There are lots of damp treatment...
  10. D

    Damp stains and leakage in a newly built house

    Hi there, Since we moved in to a newly built house we noticed annoying damp stains, patches and the paint crumbling in a living room floor are - you can see it from the staircase. We've been trying to establish the potential cause of the issue and we failed. Had a plumber testing our boiler...
  11. M

    What to do with this very tall concrete plinth?

    Hello, About to exchange on a property and the damp survey has suggested removal and replacement of the damp proof course that goes around the house. It is a solid brick wall and it is assumed there is a slate DPC hiding under there. Now from my research most people say to remove it but its...
  12. A

    Damp pebbledash after rain

    Old 1902 house. Recently moved In and just had the first heavy rain. Concerned how the pebbledash seems to soak up the water. I’m aware the gutter needs looking at directly above the down pipe but I can’t figure out the other patch’s other than them being near a structure door window etc…...
  13. R

    Do I need to remove rubble or put in ventilation - or both?

    Hi - I've got an issue with a damp smell although no obvious mould anywhere. I've had a company in to test the whole house and they have suggested some work to be done. I know I need to improve the underfloor ventilation in the hall (currently none) but do I also need to remove the rubble...
  14. 1

    Expanding Damp Patch on Bedroom Ceiling

    Hi, I moved into a new property about 4 months ago, soon afterwards i noticed a small brown mark in the corner of the ceiling but thought nothing of it, recently I noticed that the patch has grown considerably and is damp to the touch. It seems to have become more severe since we had our boiler...
  15. J

    Excessive damp around uPVC door frame

    Good afternoon, I've seen a couple of similar posts on here but I'm still can't work out what's going on here. As you can see from my attached photos, there is excessive damp, mid height around my back door frame. The external brickwork has been repointed recently and looks watertight. The...
  16. H

    Efflorescence on floor - DPC/DPM breach

    Had some building work done last year include new French doors. Have been saving up some more £££ to finish the room. This winter I’ve noticed a patch of efflorescence. It didn’t happen last year. Seems a bit odd. Are there any immediate actions I should take? The second photo is under that...
  17. C

    A reliable damp-proofing paint/liquid coating that does not require plastering/screeding?

    Afternoon, all. my detached garage sits below the ground level of the garden and acts as a retaining wall towards the rear of the building. This has resulted in some minor damp ingress during wetter times of the year (mostly at the internal corners). I'm looking for a product that I can paint...
  18. laura94

    Damp/mould in utility cupboard - leak or condensation?

    Hi all. We moved into a new build flat 3 years ago and have been having issues with damp and mould in the utility cupboard from about 3 months after we moved in until now. When we originally brought it up with the builder they told us that there was a leak coming from outside where a drain...
  19. P

    Loft Insulation Sanity Check: Rockwool or foil? Ceiling or rafters?

    I think I've got myself confused between two discrete options for insulating our house, and could do with another opinion … I'm in a late 18th century terrace, 550-600mm stone walls with rubble infill and a pitched slate roof. It's a cold house, and I'm wanting to insulate it as best I can...
  20. C

    Air bricks above floor level feeding into cavity. Why?

    I've recently purchased an '80s semi-detached bungalow and currently in the process of renovation. Originally, the property was heated via a warm air system and water heater, but this was replaced ~10 years ago with a Combi Boiler CH/HW system. In the kitchen there is a cupboard in which was...