
  1. M

    How to lay patio slabs on top of block and beam?

    Hi, what sort of screed do I need to be safe from bounce wrecking my limestone flags, laid on block and beam 3 feet above garden level I have a block and beam patio about 2m x 6m with a 4m radius quarter-circle on the end. Most of the beams are 2.3m or shorter. I plan to lay limestone flags...
  2. Egg80

    Complete novice needs help re. sub-base patio (with pics)

    Hello all, I really need some advice having never attempted anything like this before. I am attempting to build a 28m² patio and so far I have: Dug out soil to 150mm Added 5 tonnes of type 1 MOT sub-base I still need to add another tonne but I'm worried about levelling (with the drop) as...
  3. C

    Plastic sheeting under gravel patio/path - bad idea?

    We moved into our current house a couple of years ago. The area directly in front of the house was gravel, with blue plastic sheeting underneath. Looked OK when we moved in - doesn't now. Lots of patches of blue plastic which aren't very appealing. So, first question would be how to sort this...
  4. S

    levelling out sub-base for patio

    Hi, i've got a patio area around 8m wide along the house by 3m long. I've put in wooden pegs around 1 every meter in every direction and added a 50mm fall from the start of patio near the house to the end of the patio I've put some type1 MOT there - any tips on how I can level the type1 with...
  5. GoodOne

    Indian Sandstone patio, with or without..

    Hiya, I would like to lay an Indian Sandstone patio on my garden. I seen some patios that were lay without mortar/cement. What is better? With or without? And what the advantages and disadvantages? Really appreciate some advise from those who experience. Thanks,
  6. cwhaley

    Another Patio Question

    Oh not another patio thread... sorry :( I have an area of around 50 sq metres at the bottom of the garden which we want to lay a patio onto. It's the last part of the garden to work on. The ground in that area of the garden is thick with clay. I have had a 1950s roller sit on it for a month...
  7. B

    Patio Draining to House

    Hi, just after a bit of assurance that I'm doing the right thing with my patio plan. The patio will be next to the house and the other side meets the top of a wall, raised from the lawn. I was initially going to have a fall from the house to the garden so water would drain onto the lawn, but...
  8. B

    New Patio Level With Top of Wall

    Hi, We currently have (rotting!) decking in the back garden. It is raised from the level of the lawn with hardcore underneath the joists. There is a single skin brick wall at the end that meets the lawn with a decked step down to the lawn. I am removing the decking and putting a patio down. As...
  9. J

    Patio covering air bricks (& drainage issues)

    Hi, We had a patio done over a year ago, but have started noticing some damp and some smells. Upon investigating one possible cause could be that the patio seems to be badly laid and not following standard rules e.g. butting up against external wall too high, no drain for rain water and fall...
  10. R

    SBR & Cement Slurry for patio

    Hi, We have a very solid but rather ugly patio - several different materials have been used ( paving slabs, concrete, various repairs ) so the colours are very uneven. I'm guessing this is a silly idea because I haven't read about it anywhere, but could I just mix up a cement and SBR slurry and...
  11. S

    Patio/Concrete Steps

    Hi All, We have recently had outward opening french doors installed at the rear of our house. The installer let us know that we need to have an initial step of 1.2M level in front of the door to allow them to open. I am looking now at how best to achieve this. I could try and destroy what is...
  12. S

    Concrete Steps/Patio

    Hi All, We have recently had outward opening french doors installed at the rear of our house. The installer let us know that we need to have an initial step of 1.2M level in front of the door to allow them to open. I am looking now at how best to achieve this. I could try and destroy what is...
  13. L

    Patio level with DPC

    We had a conservatory removed at the back of our house and are planning on replacing it with a patio. However, the concrete slab that was under the conservatory is only about 75mm below the DPC, so by the time we put the paving on it and factor in a fall away from the house, the ground level...
  14. H

    Pointing Slabs laid on dry/semi dry mix

    Quick question to any paving experts out there. I have laid a new sandstone slab patio on a semi dry mix of sand and cement (6:1). I used the guide from the paving expert website (laying flags). I'm just wondering how long it takes to set and how long to wait before pointing it? If too...
  15. J

    Jointing compound or mortar for mint sandstone

    I am doing a patio with pure mint flags and want a light coloured (no iron stains either from normal mortar) joints filled with something strong i.e. grout or mortar? Conflicting opinions from 2 builders: 1 says go for easy jointing compound, swept in and done in no time. The other suggests...
  16. D

    Resin bound patio... disaster...

    My builder has laid a resin bound patio to replace my tired looking slabs this week. The result is a complete disaster. It looks like a patchwork quilt! I know my builder isn't a resin bound specialist, but he has laid 5 or 6 of these before, including one for my in-laws, which looks perfect...
  17. eveares

    Gas patio heater - Are they efficient?

    I am looking at a 12Kw FireFly gas patio heater from Primrose, and just wondering how long will they run for on average based on a Full 13KG Propane bottle with a 12Kw burner on it's highest setting? How does the efficiency compare electric patio heaters? Reagrds: Elliott.
  18. T

    Paving over block paving?

    Hi all, is this a ridiculous idea??.... I have a 3.5m x 9m block paved patio in the garden. Its structurally good and hasn't dipped or moved in the 4 years we have lived in our house. My question is: could I directly concrete slab on top of the block paving? I know this sounds a bit odd but it...
  19. M

    Poured concrete steps with brick

    Hi Guys I am trying to think of the best (easiest) way to do this. Basically I have a raised patio that I want to build a set of steps up/in to. the steps themselves will be almost a semi-circle. I want to use brick for the risers and then slabs on top. Question is, do I make forms and pour...
  20. J

    Help!! Gravel patio DIY drain question

    Hi, The decking in our back garden rotted and caved in, so we have decided to take it up and have a patio instead. We have a very sloping garden, and not much sun with a lot of algae growth, and after getting a few quotes for stone patios, we instead decided to install a gravel patio ourselves...