A Iranian rapper

20 Nov 2009
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United Kingdom
Has been sentenced to death by the mad mullers in Tehran for offences against God

Apparently the mad mullers don’t like rap music
Not a fan my self tbh

But perhaps a death sentence for a few words in a song (?) is going a tadge OTT ???
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Maybe they don't have any here

Blimey do they bump off rappers as well ????
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I've always been wary of those arab countries pretending to be progressive and tolerant.
I know people who go to Dubai every year, but personally I wouldn't risk being arrested and executed for kissing my wife in public.
A bit more. Hard to know what the new rules are without publishing them. Seem amputations dropped off a while ago also stoning.
A bit more. Hard to know what the new rules are without publishing them. Seem amputations dropped off a while ago also stoning.

They can't contravene "international law" unless Saudi Arabia are signatories to it.
A bit more. Hard to know what the new rules are without publishing them. Seem amputations dropped off a while ago also stoning.

Imagine if we became self - sufficient in energy, and didn't have to go, cap-in-hand, to the Saudis.......
A bit more. Hard to know what the new rules are without publishing them. Seem amputations dropped off a while ago also stoning.

Good job they're not Jewish, there'd be hell up.
Many of the Arab states have the same style of leader. An exception - Syria - different type of uprising than Iran.

Egypt some what different ;) Dates interesting
Egyptians had lived under emergency law from 1967 until 31 May 2012 (with one 18-month break starting in 1980).[11] Emergency laws have been extended every three years since 1981. These laws sharply circumscribed any non-governmental political activity: street demonstrations, non-approved political organizations, and unregistered financial donations were formally banned. However, since 2000, these restrictions have been violated in practice. In 2003, the agenda shifted heavily towards local democratic reforms, opposition to the succession of Gamal Mubarak as president, and rejection of violence by state security forces. Groups involved in the latest wave include PCSPI, the Egyptian Movement for Change (Kefaya), and the Association for Egyptian Mothers.[12]
I've always been wary of those arab countries pretending to be progressive and tolerant.
I know people who go to Dubai every year, but personally I wouldn't risk being arrested and executed for kissing my wife in public.

Qatar conned the knee bending footballs into thinking they were progressing.

Harry even offered to educate them.
Then he bottled it before he got one of those dangerous yellow cards..
Qatar conned the knee bending footballs into thinking they were progressing.
We are all conned about them to some extent as one way or another all are similar even if they hold elections. ;) in fact that seems to be capable of making things worse - in some ways.
We are all conned about them to some extent as one way or another all are similar even if the hold elections. ;) in fact that seems to be capable of making things worse - in some ways.
I was never conned. I started many afred about why our virtual signalling footballers, Associations, and media
shouldn't take part in that corrupt World Cup.
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