20 Jul 2007
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United Kingdom
i think its a good idea that McDonalds & other big company like network rail,Flybe are going to give the young the chance to achive A level in management skills should have been done years ago ;) they get a load of cra#wrote about them all the time but the treat there staff as good if not better than most :)
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i think its a good idea that McDonalds & other big company like network rail,Flybe are going to give the young the chance to achive A level in management skills should have been done years ago ;) they get a load of cra#wrote about them all the time but the treat there staff as good if not better than most :)

Oh really? I would have thought that an 'A' level from McD's is about as much use as a chocolate tampon!
they pay there managers £22,000 so i read, more than i get :cry: get out your lollipops and suck on that ;)
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I reluctantly agree that it's a good idea, considering what nonsense subjects people get degrees in these days. At the end of the day, retail management is retail management. Whether you're selling burgers or bathrooms, or anything else beginning with B.

Only bathrooms came to mind off the top of my head. :oops:
Its quite a shrewd business move, instead of letting them have time off and paying for an NVQ/Btec qulification. Get paid by the goverment for doing it in house and keeps them at work.
Great I say, in a service oriented culture and economy, surely vocational based training is paramount, forget all that academic nonsense, someone else will do that. :LOL:
i'm for anything thats keep kids from going to universty for shi## degree's in toilet cleaning etc :confused: leaving them with a shed load of debt, :eek: most people my age left school at 15 and learn't a trade or skill then moved on to other things it works so let kids out of school and make there own way if they can get a job good on them , when they are at work they wont want to hang around on the streets, as they will feel the are to old for that kind of shi#:cool:
Far better idea than certificates IMO, badge with stars on looks far more impressive when going for a job interview. :D
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