african ringneck parakeet

i've got a Patagonian Conure, very very noisey and unbelivably destructive. It will destroy a wooden toy in hours. They love anything made of rope, big knots etc. All family members must handle it on a very regular basis. Our one comes out at night and justs walks along back of sofa's watching telly. They like/need to be involved. Get a bird bath (tupperware) again they love it, talk to it every day. Also it plays fetch with balls of paper (for hours)
Have fun and remember they live for years!
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thank you for all advice given so far. the bird is called becks as that was its name before we bought it and didn't want to confuse it by changing its name. have bought toys today for it and thank you for the advice on bathing ect i didn't know that :D
We used to have an Indian Ringneck. Give him as much freedom as you can - they are actually aviary birds and like to fly about (ours was called Swoop - cos he did!!)

He used to let himself into his cage at bedtime and then shriek to get covered up!

Just keep speaking to him and he should start to mimic you. Since he's a wee bit older and might not be hand tame, start off getting him to stand on a spare perch that you're holding and offer him something tasty - fruit or a peanut (not salted or dry roasted but the ones in the shell). Keep doing that on a regular basis and he'll build up trust and associate being near your hands with something nice and positive.

I don't know if you've heard of clicker training - normally associated with dog training, but you can clicker train them as well - it's where you mark a wanted behaviour with a click and a treat - chances are, he'll start to mimic the click to get the treat!!! :LOL: :LOL:
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good point Alison , they should be covered with a cloth at night and cloth off at dawn.

It helps with their natural balance and makesem feel safer.