Angela Rayner

No, Conservatives put their team on the board and started threatening the BBC with defunding.

Public opinion puts Labour 25 points ahead
3/4 of the public want Angela to reveal the tax advice she took. According to polls
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I was amused to see that the libel bill cost more than twenty times as much as the unproven tax allegations.
"Michelle Donelan's libel bills cost taxpayers £34,000"

Great to keep Tory sleaze in perspective.
Squirrel alert.
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Holy cow.

I've never actually seen or heard Our Ang speaking. Probably because I don't have a TV. This interview is from a few years ago - a grilling from Andrew Neil. I'm actually shocked that somebody like this could be in our Parliament. But in government!? She's thick as pig ****.

It is an absolutely terrible indictment of the state our country is in. Can you imagine the reaction of the likes of Gladstone, Disraeli and Lord Salisbury if they could see the state of things? And the fact that some Labour voters support her just goes to show the low level they are on...

She’s just a shouty Manc who is unwilling or unable to answer a straight question. Like some on here, she thinks if she repeats it loud enough and long enough it will become true.
Squirrel alert
who you callin' a lert?
Andrew Neil
One of his more stupid interviews and not just concerning the following

2010 to 2011: higher CCT rate of 28% introduced. 2016 to 2017: rates reduced to 10% and 20% except for gains on carried interest and residential property. 2020 to 2021: the Business Asset Disposal Relief lifetime limit was reduced from £10m to £1m and lifetime gains above £1m were charged at the main CGT rates.

Then he throws in changes, an increase of course in corporation tax. Tory cut that, makes no difference so up's it again.

Biggest laugh is recent Tory talk of reducing residential property CCT hoping it will cause more to sell.
I think she will get away with it. She knows this which is why her step down promise is carefully worded.

I think the police will take no action and she will claim her name has been cleared.
Yet he is considerably richer than you. Is that what upsets you?
It's probably more that he promoted a get-rich-quick-Brexer scheme, that benefitted the likes of Smogg but harmed millions of others.
Just another disingenuous Tory scumbag.
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