Annoying PC

15 Nov 2005
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Cook Islands
If I have several windows open (I use XP, no tabs), I might refresh or open one, and while waiting for it to load, I might be looking at or working on another.

When one window has finished loading, it flashes up active, replacing the one I was looking at. This can be very irritating, especially if I was entering data onto the other screen, or if I try to close one, and teh new one pops up just as I am clicking on the "X" and I close the new one, or if the new one took a long time to finish loading.

I think this has got worse recently, possibly from a Windows Update.

Screwfix and Ebay are particularly bad for it, possibly because they take a long time to load. But I just refreshed a DIYnot screen then returned to this one, and the refreshed one popped up over this one.

Any idea how to stop it?
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What browser are you using? Which Version?

If IE8 why not use the tabs.


I don't like tabs

I like new windows.
Just tried with IE8 but don't seem to have a problem.

I use Firefox and the tabs, but could not replicate your problem with IE8 and seperate windows.

Sorry about that
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Could you be running low on ram?
I'm no expert (!) but when I'm going at full steam with all sorts of applications and windows open, sooner or later there's a hiccup and the delay seems to spread, like you say, you click on a window, but it doesn't load up, so you go to another one and so on.
Does it ever crash or freeze?
Does it only happen with IE, or do you have other applications open too?
Goto Tools --> Internet Options --> Tabs (Settings).

Tab Browsing Settings Opens. Check or Uncheck 'Always switch to new tabs when they are created'.

The above might be your problem. Hope it helps.
:( I don't use tabs (see above)

Have plenty of memory, currently running at 825244K available out of 1571248K total

I wonder what could have changed it?


thanks, the nipple tweaker seems to have done the trick! only took a few mins.
...No bulletproof solution exists...
...Some Tweak UI settings get changed back when a program subsequently modifies the Registry...

There is a method 'to make sure the focus lock is in effect every time you start Windows...'
See here :-,127062/printable.html
...Regrettably, even this technique won't stop all the focus stealing. If you find that one application in particular is doing most of the attention grabbing, consider replacing it with an equivalent program...
Or of course try using tabs...
Tabs use much less memory overall than running multiples of the same program. It won't take long to unlearn your old habits, I stuck with multiple windows open for a long time before I got into the tab habit.
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