Another one bites the dust...

23 May 2004
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United Kingdom
"Rishi Sunak rules out quick-fix trade deal with India"

Linky Linky

So what happened to all these deals that would be 'the easiest in history to negotiate' according to brexiteers? :LOL:

The EU is well on the way to agreeing a deal with India - I guess one big nation reckons an agreement with a bigger trading bloc more advantageous than one with a small colonial throw back country!

And yet strangely immigration to the UK is rising at record levels, particularly from the sub continent...

Maybe a brexiteer could tell us how/why it has gone so horribly wrong?

And also give us an example of a single 'brexit bonus'?
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The EU is well on the way to agreeing a deal with India

Well, they started negotiations in 2007 and might conclude by the end of this year if talks don't collapse again.

Maybe a brexiteer could tell us how/why it has gone so horribly wrong?

And also give us an example of a single 'brexit bonus'?

It hasn't gone horribly wrong, negotiations with India are ongoing.

Single brexit bonus. Not ponying up £70 billion to their covid recovery fund.
Neither Washington nor Moscow, a rock & a hard place.

What is it that you don't understand about your politicians & those who lead you?
And also give us an example of a single 'brexit bonus'?
Not having to pay into the 'club' but still get inclusive EU roaming, not requiring a green card, GHIC card covering us in Europe etc etc in fact many of the things that you said we'd lose.

Say, did you 'forget' to answer my question in the Iceland thread or are you just swerving it?
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Single brexit bonus. Not ponying up £70 billion to their covid recovery fund.

How many tens of billions did the UK spend on it's own covid fiasco?

And it's funny how brexiteers can't explain why the UK taking a £100bn a year hit from brexit is a good thing...

Yet another failed attempt to claim a 'brexit bonus' that doesn't exist!
Not having to pay into the 'club' but still get inclusive EU roaming, not requiring a green card, GHIC card covering us in Europe etc etc in fact many of the things that you said we'd lose.
Lost trade, lost freedom of movement, lost rights to work, education and travel indefinitely...

We sure as hell lost those...

But hey I guess a stupid brexiteer would think keeping a few minor things the way they were is a 'bonus'...

Care to tell us what has changed for the better?

Or will we have to wait 50 years for that answer? :LOL:
Looks like Ellal is swerving again.…..
I ain't swerving...

I've answered your worn out question time and time again...

You on the other hand refuse to answer any questions as regards a 'brexit bonus'...

Why is that?

Oh that's right, there isn't a single one...

You really do like wearing that 'dunce cap' and always having to stand in the corner :LOL:
I think we're all capable of an adult discussion without resorting to insults, no?
I've answered your worn out question time and time again...
Really? I only asked it for the first time on Saturday in the Iceland thread. Do you know what question you actually swerved or would you like me to ask you again?
GHIC card covering us in Europe etc etc in fact many of the things that you said we'd lose.
The GHIC card does not cover you in Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein or Switzerland.
The EHIC card did cover you in those countries.

EU roaming
Is now severely limited to about two weeks, whereas it was not before Brexit.
What's more, after the short time limit, the costs have rocketed.
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