Are you a nurse?

26 Jun 2004
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United Kingdom
I visited Norwich Hospital this weekend.

Its a large beautiful modern hospital built four years ago and redecorated a few months ago. Its a credit to the NHS. Most of the staff are white English.

But the English nurse I saw giving an injection to an inmate ( also a nurse too ) was not. It was given so that it caused her to wince with the pain.

Anyone who receives injections knows that if the liquid is injected too quickly the pressure causes totally avoidable unnecessary pain. It was only 3 ml and would have taken less than 20 secs to administer quite painlessly.

Nurses, just WHY do you do this???

I would love to complain to the hospital but I have complained to the NHS twice before and I know they just ignore complaints.

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just what has the colour of the nurses skin got to with incompetence ?
not just incompetence Moz but a lack of care too, why be in a job that's all about giving comfort to others in distress when they don't care about their wellbeing? very strange.
awhile ago my old man was in hospital an I had cause to complain ,
he wasnt getting fed ...
1st with the sister on the ward about the nurses joy ...

an then his consultant , the consultant didnt like getting a boll*cking an played hell with them all on the ward ...:)
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not like in the old days with the likes of florence nightingale doing what she did because she enjoyed helping others rather than moaning about pay and conditions all the time. oops have i overstepped the line with criticising our beloved medical profession perhaps i should take it back?.........................................................................................nah!
NO you carry on .... the bunch of wasters on my dads ward were terrible , stood around the nurse station cackling about where they went the night before,
how drunk they got,
an who they copped off with how they dont like such an such from that other ward ...
then making a big carry on/kerfuffle when they were buzzed when some poor old dear wanted help/assistance ....
hmmm Shocking !! ...:(

but strangely picked up an did a bit when doctors were about ...
Moz said:
NO you carry on .... the bunch of wasters on my dads ward were terrible , stood around the nurse station cackling about where they went the night before,
how drunk they got,
an who they copped off with how they dont like such an such from that other ward ...
then making a big carry on/kerfuffle when they were buzzed when some poor old dear wanted help/assistance ....
hmmm Shocking !! ...:(

but strangely picked up an did a bit when doctors were about ...
What's the world coming to? :(
Stop moaning ........the house prices are still rinsing ....that`s all that matters :rolleyes:
Moz said:
NO you carry on .... the bunch of wasters on my dads ward were terrible , stood around the nurse station cackling about where they went the night before,
how drunk they got,
an who they copped off with how they dont like such an such from that other ward ...
then making a big carry on/kerfuffle when they were buzzed when some poor old dear wanted help/assistance ....
hmmm Shocking !! ...:(

but strangely picked up an did a bit when doctors were about ...

That's awful and sadly I have a similar story to tell. My Grandad is coming up 75 and is not very well - he has diabetes that they're struggling to control, gets the shakes very badly and has mobility problems (needs a walking frame to get about). Anyway he had a bad fall at the end of last year and had to spend a couple of weeks in hospital and we (the family) were furious at how he was treated! Because he needed relatively frequent assistance for trips to the loo (the toilet on the ward that he could probably have got to himself was closed awaiting repairs :rolleyes: ) they decided he was a pain and instead of a nurse actually helping him when he asked to go they disappeared out of the ward for ages and left him waiting - the result of which on a few occasions I'm sure I don't need to spell out. :( Then they had the cheek to complain about the extra work because his PJs and the bedlinen needed changing!

The thing is although he has health problems there's absolutely nothing wrong with him mentally and he felt so degraded and ashamed by his 'accidents' that he actually started to slip into a depression. My Nan got so fed up of complaining and then going in at the next visit time to find my usually very resilient Grandad in tears again that she got him discharged and she and my Mum (who had to take time off work) looked after him at home. Funnily enough it has never happened to him since but now he's actually afraid of needing to go back into hospital! :(
with respect are you female ...?
Im a big ugly hoolie type bloke...
I went into the wards an were chasing up nurses......
an getting old dears sorted better than the sister , who I think was "agency staff" (looks pretty but doesnt rock the boat/or care ...)
I stepped over being the dutiful pleasant *nice * son to them fearing me ..
I was filling up water jugs on my old fellas ward an getting the patients fed ....
"Telling" nurses to get away from the nurse station an "CARE"
I did send an excellent letter to the trust , but the consultant was reprimanded...for bad leadership ..
nursing staff NO COMEBACK on them ... shameful ..:(

when I get older an if left without the wife ..... I will ground down the tabs an neck the lot an get drunk an ...
Goodnight Vienna.. ;)
Yes I'm female but it wouldn't have made any difference if I'd been able to get down there! Grandad wouldn't have visitors other than Nan and my Mum (got upset when Dad turned up and made him wait outside :( ) so I only got it all second hand from my Nan when she got back everyday and phoned me upset.

If he needs to go back in we will just have to try and find the money to go private between us cause he's got himself in a right tizz.
My old mum is in poor health and had a bad time in hospital... now won't go back. We have arranged care in her own home and I'm sure if she has to choose between pegging out in her own home, or lasting a bit longer in a hospital bed surrounded by other sick old ladies, she wants to peg out at home.
Its awful, wonder how many other elderly people feel the same?

We've applied to the council for a swap to try and get my Grandparents moved up here so we can help more (my parents, Mum's sister, me and hubby and my sister all live within a half hour drive of each other) and you can probably imagine how helpful they're being! The stupid part is they're in a huge 3 bed house at the mo and want to exchange for a 2 bed bungalow so you'd think they'd be keen to sort it out but there you go! :rolleyes:

Sorry for the off topic! :oops:
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