Bill Tarmy

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What is it on here, some fuocker dies and it's all Oh SO SAD.
Not sure that I stated it was sad :confused:

Anyway, death is the marking of the end of a life. As such it's a permanent change from a status quo, and the "permanence" is the hard thing to come to terms with.
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Met him once, many years ago at Granada studios, he had nipped out for a fag. Asked him if him and Vera, (Elizabeth Dawn), got on off set and he replied they loved hating each other, just like their characters but woe betide any outsider who put the other one down!

RIP Bill, (Jack). Now go and have a drink with Vera.
Bill was 71 and is now dead, i'm 71 and still here, when will it be my turn? my favourite read now is the obituary columns, you can't have life without death can you? it comes to us all at sometime.
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