Brexit:. David Davis backpedalling

15 Nov 2005
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Cook Islands
David Davis scrambles to salvage EU relations after 'damaging trust'
Brexit secretary moves to persuade Guy Verhofstadt that UK can be trusted after claiming deal to progress talks was just ‘statement of intent’

Michael Roth, Germany’s minister for Europe, told German media he was “taken aback” that the language May had used in Brussels “differed somewhat” to what the prime minister had said in London since her return, referring in particular to the suggestion that Britain would only pay the final bill to the EU once a trade agreement had been reached. “She needs to be taking the same line in Brussels as in London,” he said.

An EU official said the guidelines for talks on future relations that had been drafted were already “Davis-proofed”, and it was clear what the consequences were if commitments were not respected
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Is the Brexit deal legally binding?

How many changes of policy are labour now on regarding Brexit is it no18 or no19, Im losing count.

Kier Starmer is now saying, well we wont have free movement of people, we will have controls, soft controls? Eh?
Is the Brexit deal legally binding?
Is that the argument? When you are hanging on by your finger nails you don't go waving your arms around. Hence the opening post and why Davis has gone back grovelling to the EU.

How many changes of policy are labour now on regarding Brexit is it no18 or no19, Im losing count.
Do wish to start another thread about opposition party commitments? Baffled otherwise by your poor attempt at diversion.

Kier Starmer is now saying, well we wont have free movement of people, we will have controls, soft controls? Eh?
Similar to what we could have had if we had stayed in the EU.
Dumb Quitters.
s that the argument? When you are hanging on by your finger nails you don't go waving your arms around. Hence the opening post and why Davis has gone back grovelling to the EU.

Have you been to the daily mail school of writing?

Hanging by fingers -rubbish, means nothing, a comment that could be added to anything

Davis gone back grovelling -no he hasnt, more drivel
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Do wish to start another thread about opposition party commitments? Baffled otherwise by your poor attempt at diversion.

Its not diversion, its very pertinent. What is labours Brexit policy today, how has it changed from yesterday, it mustve done, I think the wind has changed direction.

Where is Jeremy Corbyn? He seems to have disappeared completely
a comment that could be added to anything
Correct - they are called analogies. Would you like me to explain how the "hanging on by the finger nails......" analogy fits in with the UK's tenuous agreements with the EU?

Theresa had to grovelling to the EU just to get things moving. However, upon safe return to the UK one of her team of idiots had his chest out and started boasting and posturing. He then had to quickly back-peddle to save face.
Its not diversion, its very pertinent. What is labours Brexit policy today, how has it changed from yesterday, it mustve done, I think the wind has changed direction.

Where is Jeremy Corbyn? He seems to have disappeared completely
So you wish to start another thread, yes? Labour are not negotiating with the EU, the Tories are. It was a Tory contingent that went to Brussels. Look it up, tis true.(y)
Correct - they are called analogies. Would you like me to explain how the "hanging on by the finger nails......" analogy fits in with the UK's tenuous agreements with the EU?

Theresa had to grovelling to the EU just to get things moving. However, upon safe return to the UK one of her team of idiots had his chest out and started boasting and posturing. He then had to quickly back-peddle to save face.

In reality what you mean is Theresa May has negotiated a pretty similar deal to the one Labour has been proposing -IE a soft Brexit, which anybody with any common sense would know was the only option.

What do you mean grovelling? a deal of £39B is not unrealistic considering suggestions have been around the £80B mark. In reality the media have been fed a load of postering press releases but given no real information, whilst real negotiations have been going on for many months -I bet this deal was on the table a long time ago.

It wouldnt matter what the deal was, you would put your spin on to suit your anti Tory, anti Brexit stance. But the reality is as a remainer you wouldnt want a hard Brexit anyway.
Have you been to the daily mail school of writing?

Hanging by fingers -rubbish, means nothing, a comment that could be added to anything

Davis gone back grovelling -no he hasnt, more drivel

You may disagree with the choice of words but David Davis has changed tack and reneged.

This points to a larger issue, when will we realise we have very little negotiating power because we already took the biggest chip off the table by actually doing a referendum.
This points to a larger issue, when will we realise we have very little negotiating power because we already took the biggest chip off the table by actually doing a referendum.

Camoron didn't think that chip was worth too much though, did he?
Camoron didn't think that chip was worth too much though, did he?

Cameron used the referendum to stave off the party splitting and losing vote to UKIP, he never thought he would lose the referendum.

Camoron lol
Brexit is on track a few issues / disagreements along the way are to be expected. Every one will eventually compromise

Dumb remainers / remoaners on here don't' quite under stand how these negoiations work. & never will as long as they have an orifice in there back sides

Dominic Grieve , Ken Clarke, Oliver Heald and other tory members were brave and correct in voting for Parliament to have a vote on the final Brexit deal.
Dominic Grieve , Ken Clarke, Oliver Heald and other tory members were brave and correct in voting for Parliament to have a vote on the final Brexit deal.

Blimey u actually got some thing correct :eek::eek: well sort of

The UK has a parliament based democracy , so it is correct that they should have the final say ;)
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