Brexit: Is David Davis a lying toad, or an incompetent idiot?

15 Nov 2005
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Cook Islands
Or both?

See video.

"David Davis has been asked what happened to the impact assessments previously promised.

The government has not carried out any impact assessments of leaving the EU on the UK economy, Brexit Secretary David Davis has told MPs.

Mr Davis had previously said the government had done 57 studies on 85% of the UK economy about the impact of Brexit.

BBC News had a look in its archives."

Should we be entrusting the future of our nation to such a man?
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Hillary Benn: Is anything ready for "no Brexit deal?"
David Davis: No.

Yes to both the questions but then every single last one of them in parliament is and always has been. So what is new?
It seems something did exist because:
But he (John Bercow) said Mr Davis's decision to "unilaterally" cut out parts of the papers was "most regrettable" and he had been too slow to release them to MPs.

But when they were not going to be released to MPs, they were 'Impact Assessment papers'
However, when MPs won the right of access to these papers, they must have been called something else, because Impact Assessment papers did not exist.

So what are these papers that DD has 'unilaterally cut parts out'?
He said the government had produced a "sectoral analysis" of different industries but not a "forecast" of what would happen when the UK leaves the EU.
'Sectoral analysis' but nothing about Brexit. So one can only assume that DD was referring to something that had little to do with Brexit as 'Impact Assessments' when it suited him and 'sectoral analysis when he was backed into a corner.

Maybe he is a regular contributor to DIYnot GD forum. It is certainly representative of the kind of behaviour demonstrated by some on here.

The government still have no idea on how the different Brexit scenarios will affect UK.
I was right a while ago: the government is incapable of strategic planning.
We are still heading somewhere in the dark, no idea where, no idea what will we do if we end up in the wrong place, and we do not even know where we want to be!
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He has been cleared of the allegation of mis-leading parliament
Are you sure?

I thought he was cleared of "contempt" which is not the same thing

remembering that he is a con and so are most of the people who would have voted in his favour.
Are you sure?

I thought he was cleared of "contempt" which is not the same thing

remembering that he is a con and so are most of the people who would have voted in his favour.

he was cleard by the speaker of the house . It could be argued that the speaker is biased ?? as he is technically a conservative MP

as to if he is a toad or not I dunno . as to if he is a liar Hmmm dunno , but what I do know is that being economical with the truth is part and parcel
of politics.

So I suppose technically all ? most ? or the majority of politicians are liars some of the time ? as churchill said

you can lie to all of the people some of the time , but u cannot lie to all of the people all of the time (some thing like that any way)
6th December

"Brexit: David Davis won't be investigated for contempt after he admits there are no impact studies
The Brexit Secretary still faces accusations he misled Parliament over the Government's analysis on the economic impact of the EU withdrawal"

"The influential Brexit Committee voted that Mr Davis had honoured demands to hand over detailed economic analysis by the Government on the impact of Brexit on various sectors, which a Commons vote compelled him to release."
"Dragged before the committee to explain himself, he admitted to MPs the Government had failed to carry out economic forecasts on the impact of the EU withdrawal on the UK economy.

The news prompted calls for his resignation and for contempt proceedings to be brought against him for misleading Parliament.

But Tory and DUP committee members decided that he had complied with Parliament's demand for information as the papers do not exist, casting the prospect of future contempt proceedings into doubt."

So, let off by his buddies.

Where did you see the speaker had cleared him?
Ah, this one

"Speaker criticises David Davis over release of Brexit papers"

"Commons Speaker John Bercow has criticised David Davis over his role in the release of Brexit impact papers.

He ruled that the Brexit secretary was not in contempt of Parliament.

But he said Mr Davis's decision to "unilaterally" cut out parts of the papers was "most regrettable" and he had been too slow to release them to MPs."
Was reported on Radio 4 news this afternoon 5pm afai recall

If u have an issue with it take it up with the BBC or make a complaint to them

incidentally if your links / down loaded comments are for my benefit ??

I have zero interest and never read them ;)
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