Chaves Littering

You have to wonder what the beaches in Benidorm are like after the British tourists have left ..
The beach at Benners is well looked after and there are plenty of bins. No doubt there is litter but there is also an effort to keep the beach clean ready for the next day.
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Maybe that is the problem - people are so used to having their litter picked up when holidaying abroad that they simply expect it here too.
Drive down any dual carriage way

A3 around here and the verges are full of litter
yeah, I've noticed the verges around where i live getting worse. I know the local parish councillors get out there to litter pick, but not many others do, certainly not funded by local government.
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Leigh-on-Sea last summer - normal visitors never leave it like this.
You have to wonder what the beaches in Benidorm are like after the British tourists have left ...


and Brighton beach


Clacton beach a few years back thd rubbish was horrendous. I have photos somewhere... I can't get my head around that people think it's OK..
Clacton beach a few years back thd rubbish was horrendous. I have photos somewhere... I can't get my head around that people think it's OK..

Part of the issues is that so many others think it OK to do that - those who see it as wrong, are very much a minority. It's like most things, what is acceptable to many, becomes the generally accepted norm. It was instilled in me at school long ago, that you leave absolutely no trace of where you have been, you treat everywhere with respect.
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