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Hi RC,
been a bit busy of late what with the new grandson, my own son splitting with his partner and moving back in with us and for 1 week I was a 'bit poorly' so not had much time to get in here.
Had the odd 'lurk' but not time enough to post.
Hopefully now things are settling down that will change.
Thanks for asking mate.
welcome back, conny.

your absence was noted! hope all is OK.
Getting back on track now LSG, house is empty at the moment as sons two kids have gone to his ex's for a few days but expecting daughter and her 2 later today.

Think I'll go and get a few cans and sit up here tonight! :LOL: :LOL:
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Hi RC,
been a bit busy of late what with the new grandson, my own son splitting with his partner and moving back in with us and for 1 week I was a 'bit poorly' so not had much time to get in here.
Had the odd 'lurk' but not time enough to post.
Hopefully now things are settling down that will change.
Thanks for asking mate.

Good to see you back anyway,, hope it all sorts itself out, and glad you're on the mend too. ;)
So, Conny, another mouth to feed and @rse to wipe. Then add to that your new grandson. Congrats. ;)
Hi ya Conny, we thought you Dex and Blas had formed a new government.
Hope your lads okay and the new littly is doing well.
Thanks lads.
Son and ex are getting on better apart so kids are ok with it. They get to spend more time with us, (if thats possible! :eek: ), and more time with their other nan & grandad plus they get to see their cousins more as well. Its not the perfect scenario but its better than it could have been I suppose, what with the adults fighting/arguing etc and them stuck in the middle watching it all.
The 'newbie' was taken into hospital at 9 days old with possible meningitis, after 2 lumbar punctures, numerous blood/water/feaces tests and a very anxious 48 hour wait it came back as negative. Seems he had a gastro-enteretic bug called 'Rotovirus' which, if left, could have had serious consequences. Glad the daughter had the instinct to go with her gut feeling and insist he be seen by a paediatrician who specialised in new-borns and not just some 'run-of-the-mill quack'.
Mine was nothing, just a disagreement with a change of tablets, but it wiped me out for a few days and I didn't dare go anywhere near any of the kids in case they caught something.
All in all, a very hectic couple of weeks but things seem to be getting back to normal, especially with the baby who is now piling the weight on and seems very contented.
happy endings all round!!. Good news for a change..hang in there conny
Welcome back Conny, I have had a terrible time looking after your new sentence game, hopefully we can now share the burden of trying to keep some semblance of order.

Welcome back Conny, I have had a terrible time looking after your new sentence game, hopefully we can now share the burden of trying to keep some semblance of order.

you really are having a laugh you lot.... i wait 25 minutes and post a reply and within seconds gasman is one side of me, and wotan the other.... this is leteratry rape!!! i want the word police here now!

and if wotan can't get to me. oompah is there to stick it up my jumpa !!
imamartian needs help as well.
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