Covid back in China

22 Aug 2006
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United Kingdom
They're locking down again, so there will be shortages around the world, again.

The story is being built up that they had a zero covid poilicy and that's left their immune systems naive. Their vaccines were even worse than ours, too.
Could be.
A load of people I know have had covid here recently, some haven't bothered to report it, or even do a test. The "community" figure 'with it' currently is about 2 million in England, ie around 4%. It was a little less, previously, but assuming you only test positive for a few days or so (not certain what their test is) a different 2 million would have had it a fortnight or so ago etc. So maybe 10% are getting it each month.

About 10k people die each week. So ~1k would have tested positive in the prevous 28 days.
From the numbers here, make your own conclusion, but there's not much room for people to be dying OF covid. It would have been contributory to many I daresay.

It looks like maybe we got through with enough vaccines and enough cases in the vaccinated, to not suffer too much AND build some immunity.
Fair enough, all ready for another variant then...:rolleyes:

Would I have another covid vaccine? I suppose so, but I might delay, to see what happens.

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I know several people close to me that have Covid presently. None are seriously ill . All have been jabbed. None are elderly.
Not sure what is the way to go with this now that symptoms are becoming manageable.
Yep back in China as they say what goes around comes around

back to where it started from
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Is the govt expecting me to get a covid test every time I have a cough or cold?.............I don't think so !
Jab number 4 being rolled out soon for the over 75s. I suspect we will be getting jabbed annually for the next 5 years or so. Fortunately the new ramp up is coinciding with the end of the flu season, so nature will help us avoid transmitting so much. If we recall lock-down 1 ended without any vaccine, just because the warm weather made it harder for the virus to transmit.
Jab number 4 being rolled out soon for the over 75s. I suspect we will be getting jabbed annually for the next 5 years or so. Fortunately the new ramp up is coinciding with the end of the flu season, so nature will help us avoid transmitting so much. If we recall lock-down 1 ended without any vaccine, just because the warm weather made it harder for the virus to transmit.
My MIL is getting concerned her booster is waning, so that’s good news.
It appears that nobody knows just how many people died of covid

As your link says, it could even be too low, "The researchers say there is a possibility this means death counts have been an overestimation – but the opposite could also be true."
So many people desperate to claim that covid wasn’t as fatal as they said, that the vaccines don’t work, that the vaccines are dangerous, that masks don’t help or social distancing doesn’t help or they disregard the massive concerted effort to lock down in order to combat the first wave.

It’s utterly bizarre human behaviour which seems unique to the internet age… too many people confuse having access to Google as actually having specialty knowledge on a subject or confuse watching regular joes on YouTube give their opinions on something as “research”

It’s a big part of the reason why in 2022 we now have more people than ever who believe the earth is flat. They’re willing to disregard every bit of information from actual knowledgeable people and science in favour of some idiot with a string line, wild theories and a camera.
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