damn it.. I'm turning into a housewife...

16 Feb 2007
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West Midlands
United Kingdom
I just had a sudden hakering for something sweet, so I went in the kitchen and made a batch of scones..... :oops: :eek:
they're in the oven as I type...

gods help me I'm becoming my MUM....!!! and I'm a bloke.... :evil:
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Nowt wrong with cooking Col. I wouldn't have a clue where to start. Enjoy mate. :)
butter, milk, self raising flour and whatever dried fruit you prefer ( or a mashed up banana for a nice change.. )

see? what did I tell you....? :rolleyes:
Ya big jumping jessy! :D Sounds nice, you've got me juices flowing now, I'll be raiding the cupboards in a minute! :LOL:
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butter, milk, self raising flour and whatever dried fruit you prefer ( or a mashed up banana for a nice change.. )

see? what did I tell you....? :rolleyes:

Gas mark?

When my eldest G/daughter comes round, (which is most nights :LOL: ), we have to bake things like rice pudding, homemade pizza's, cheese on toast etc. She HAS to get heavily involved. Its great fun. :LOL:
180°C for about 15-20 mins, middle shelf of a preheated oven ( times are for a fan assisted oven, consult your oven's manual for time conversions.. )
Yep ya right, you've definitely become a woman!
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