Debit card oddity

30 Dec 2018
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Up North
United Kingdom
For many months, my bank Iphone app would be declined along with it's actual card, on buses and in a little cafe I sometimes would go in - everywhere else, phone and card worked absolutely fine. On those occasions, I would have to use one of my alternative cards, to pay.

A few weeks ago, I rang my bank, who checked my account and suggested I would need to go to a local Tesco, stick the card in their ATM, then go into 'pin services'. Today, I got around to it - not at a Tesco ATM, but at a Halifax Bank ATM. Put into ATM, entered the pin, then simply went into 'pin services' - nothing there, took the card out and went to the little cafe, fully expecting it to be declined again - but no, accepted! :)

Why would most places accept the card, but two decline it?
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For many months, my bank Iphone app would be declined along with it's actual card, on buses and in a little cafe I sometimes would go in - everywhere else, phone and card worked absolutely fine. On those occasions, I would have to use one of my alternative cards, to pay.

A few weeks ago, I rang my bank, who checked my account and suggested I would need to go to a local Tesco, stick the card in their ATM, then go into 'pin services'. Today, I got around to it - not at a Tesco ATM, but at a Halifax Bank ATM. Put into ATM, entered the pin, then simply went into 'pin services' - nothing there, took the card out and went to the little cafe, fully expecting it to be declined again - but no, accepted! :)

Why would most places accept the card, but two decline it?
I don't know, I have no idea. I consider myself fairly IT literate & try to keep up to date with all the latest trends & innovations.

It used to be my job to find out & understand why the technology we were pushing out didn't work, then make it better. Recently I stood behind a young 'un at the bar who paid for her drinks by flashing her mobile screen at the card reader. That blew my mind, partly because I didn't understand & partly because she actually took the time to explain it to an old git like me.

If it helps, I use GooglePay to purchase a regular item linked to my business, sometimes if I use it on 'other' purchases then it doesn't work. People who know about these things tell me it's who I'm paying has it wrong, not me.
When you get a new or replacement card you have to use it once with the pin to enable contactless purchases on the card or device. Perhaps it was that that cocked things up?
When you get a new or replacement card you have to use it once with the pin to enable contactless purchases on the card or device. Perhaps it was that that cocked things up?
I guess you didn't understand the OP. You think your solution is the universal answer, the OP has a problem that isn't universal.

Sometimes, in some places, things don't work.
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Recently I stood behind a young 'un at the bar who paid for her drinks by flashing her mobile screen at the card reader. That blew my mind,
I guess you didn't understand the OP. You think your solution is the universal answer, the OP has a problem that isn't universal.
Well, you admit your "mind was blown" by someone flashing a mobile screen at a card reader, and then you accuse ME of not understanding the OP. Didn't you once boast of putting t'internetty in more houses than any other person yet you’re not up on NFC? You really should get out a bit more. Either that or remember previous boasts, sorry, posts that you’ve made.
My card asks for the pin after every X contactless transactions.
That’s not contactless then, is it?

I must admit, I never carry any of my cards with me. They are all loaded into the wallet on my phone and are approved for applepay which, unlike a contactless card payment which is limited to £100, is limitless As long as I have the funds in a debit card and up to the limit on my credit cards.


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I use the account daily, but almost exclusively via the phone app. I so rarely use the card with pin, I had to seek a pin reminder via the app.
Are you doing it through the actual credit/debit cards own app or are you using Applepay? I've never been asked for a pin when using Applepay. Do you have an iPhone or Android?
It's a security feature, to stop a ne'er do well tapping and "swiping" with everlasting impunity.
That normally happens after a set number of contactless purchases. Having to enter a pin after each and every transaction means you are making contact every time so not exactly contactless!
That normally happens after a set number of contactless purchases. Having to enter a pin after each and every transaction means you are making contact every time so not exactly contactless!

"Every X contactless transactions" (y)
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