Downloadable site plans

27 Aug 2003
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United Kingdom
OK - I give up.

For the less than the price of fish & chips for two in my neck of the woods I can no longer be rsed to try and find free 1:1250 and 1:200/1:500 maps to use for a planning application, so I'll buy them.

Can anybody recommend a good site, or alternatively warn me away from any?
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The cheapest of the 4 that planning portal recommend?

Try not to see handing a planning officer a map you've paid a few quid for, from one of their preferred suppliers, as a cost if it means your application proceeds more quickly and with fewer misunderstandings. The given tools on planning portal allow you to draw boundaries and polygons representing buildings, and at about 6 quid ? Drop in the ocean
Indeed - it's a trivial sum. I looked for freebies, couldn't find anything, so I'll buy, it's not an issue.
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I always get one of the councils GIS maps, take a screen grab then use it to trace a new one in my CAD software.

I never pay but it might take an hour or so to do - and my time is cheap......
If youre selling your CAD skills at £6/hr, I'm buying ;)
I always get one of the councils GIS maps, take a screen grab then use it to trace a new one in my CAD software.

I never pay but it might take an hour or so to do - and my time is cheap......
I do that for smaller maps, but it takes me 5 minutes. What you doing that takes an hour?
I just use a google screen print. Quick trace over, re-scale, job done. 5 minutes max. I wouldn't bother for a large map or anything where the map was important and needed to be accurate, but for average planning apps it takes me less time than it does to download one. If you give it a go I find it easier to trace over in red or magenta.
I always get one of the councils GIS maps, take a screen grab then use it to trace a new one in my CAD software.

I never pay but it might take an hour or so to do - and my time is cheap......
I do that for smaller maps, but it takes me 5 minutes. What you doing that takes an hour?

It usually takes me ages to find the online maps. The local authorities seem to update them and change the locations all the time so I often find old links don't work. Each council has a different format but once found, screen grab, trace over them and they're done.

I'm sure I'll get faster with time.

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