Dr Who's quitting !



what a lightweight Matt Smith is !!! tut !

So who's next (that pun is unavoidable, sorry!)?

I think it should be ....

- a woman?
- wearing a burkha
- with one leg
- and diabetes...

(did i cover it all?)

Can't wait for the new series !! (what will the cyber women be like?)
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It's the BBC - it won't be another white male.
Or maybe they'll do us all a favour and never make another episode of the complete and utter shoite that Doctor Who is ever again? One can only hope!
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I think it's changed. It's become more arty-farty with those close-ups of actors' faces when they are having a thoughtful moment.

I also find it more difficult to understand what's happening, but that could be my advancing years.

I found the earlier ones much better. 'Doctor Who and the Daemons' for example.
Christopher Eccleston was the best of the latter day doctors.
Start a church - with Chris @ it`s head - The Church of Chris and the Latter Day Doctors - I`m sure someone will come along with an appropriate name for the followers ;)
Start a church - with Chris @ it`s head - The Church of Chris and the Latter Day Doctors - I`m sure someone will come along with an appropriate name for the followers ;)

It's a kid's program, and always has been... but getting worse these days !! Bit like an A level drama project.

But the Dr each time, does seem to get a lot of kudos.... weird.
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